Nightmare (Chica)

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Your POV
It was the middle of the night and you was sound asleep but you was having a dream. Your dream was about a women chasing you,she had black hair all over her face,she wore an old dirty dress and she had a knife in her hand. Even though you were 6 years old you was faster than her but she caught up to you and pushed you down on to the floor. You turned around and saw her face,half of it was normal but the rest had blood on it and her eye was missing.

You woke up screaming and you grabbed your pillow and put it in front of you "y/n? What's the matter?! Are you okay?" Chica said running over to you "I-I had a bad dream Chica" you said sobbing "oh y/n. You gave me a fight. Well it's only a dream" She said. "Do you wanna tell me what it was about?" Chica asked "I-it was about....a women with black hair all down her face and she was chasing me and she caught up to me and she showed me her face,half was normal and the rest was all red and she had on eye" you said.

"Really?" Chica said " she here?!" You asked curled up in a ball "no she's not here y/n" Chica said stroking your face "can you stay here with me?" You asked "of course I can,if Freddy doesn't moan about it" Chica said that made you giggle a bit. You got back in your bed and Chica sat down next to you. "Chica? Are monsters real?" You asked "no y/n there not,why'd you ask?" Chica asked "because some kids have been saying that they've been seeing monsters and now I've been thinking there real" you said.

You started to panic a bit and Chica lifted your head up "listen y/n,there not real. Those kids don't know what there talking about". "Are they just.....stupid?" You asked "yeah,I guess" Chica laughed. Chica stayed with you until you fell asleep and then she left.

The next day you woke up and went to the main party room to play. You was playing with a bunch of girls but you remembered your dream and you remembered that the girl had black hair and now you was scared that any women or girl child that had black hair would hurt you.

You went over to Chica and asked her "s any women or girl with black hair gonna hurt me?" "Now y/n,the girl you saw in your dream isn't real. She's just fake okay?" Chica said "and no one with black hair is gonna hurt you" Chica said "okay Chica,I feel okay now" you said "that's good now go play".

After a long day of playing you was so tried that you fell asleep on the stage after everyone left and Chica picked you up and took you to your little room. "Night y/n" Chica said "nighty night" you said.

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