Replacments?! (Golden Freddy)

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Your POV
Today was a fun day! Today Goldie let you meet the other animals that were outside and you now know all there name! Freddy,Bonnie,Chica and Foxy! They were all so nice to you!. But later on in the night Goldie woke you up "y/n! Y/n come on wake up please!" He said "Goldie? What's wrong?" You asked rubbing your eyes "we have to leave!" He said.

"Leave? Why are we leaving?" You asked "I'll tell you just come on" Golden Freddy said picking you up "Okay Goldie" you said. You both got outside and the other robots were outside "Freddy! Goldie's back with her/him" Bonnie said "thank god!" He said "what's happening?" You asked "y/n...did you tell her/him?" Freddy asked "no I didn't" Goldie said "y/n...we need to leave cause we're all getting replaced" Goldie said "what does that mean?" You asked "it means that whoever you see here and any other animal robot that is here is not us" he said "ohhh...okay" you said. You was kinda a smart 3 year old.

You could hear a few men coming in the room and everyone was outside "what do we do now?" Bonnie asked "I don't know" Freddy said "what about y/n?" Golden Freddy asked "I don't know,Goldie she's/he's yours you should come up with something" Bonnie said.

"Y/n your gonna hide here okay? And if you hear ANY person out here do not go over to them okay? And when you don't hear anyone else then come back inside to see what's happened okay?" Golden Freddy said.

"Okay Goldie" you said "quick hide her/him! There coming!" Freddy said "okay,y/n be safe and do everything I told you okay?" "Okay Golden Freddy" you said.

Golden Freddy left and he went with the others and you just stayed hidden "I hope they are okay" you said. After they noises had stop you peeked out and saw nothing so you went back inside but you didn't go any further cause there was people at the stage setting some robots up.

'Why are they putting them back up? And why do they look so different?' You thought. You didn't take any of there words but you went back outside and you went  back to you hiding place and tomorrow you would go back in there to find Goldie. You went to sleep and you said to yourself "Goldie's fine...I hope...he's probably in the backstage waiting for me".

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