Replacements?! (Foxy)

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Your POV
You was sitting down riddling with your fingers and you saw Foxy run in "y/n! Quick lass/lad we need te go!" He said grabbing your hand "wait Foxy! What's going on?" You asked "y/n were are all getting replaced!" Foxy said kneeling down to your size. "Replaced? What do you mean? By who?!" You asked "I don't know who but we need te get out of er!" He said getting back up and running "wait for me Foxy!" You said running after him. "Foxy do you have y/n?" Freddy asked "yeah she's/he's here!" He said "I'm here guys...I'm here" you said catching your breath.

"Does she/he know what's going on?" Freddy asked "yes Freddy she/he knows" Foxy said turning to you "why are you getting replaced?" You asked "we don't know y/n but we need to figure something out" Freddy said.

They thought for a while until we heard some people coming towards us "we're gonna have to leave" Freddy said "okay but where will we go?" Bonnie asked "we'll just have to find out".

We was trying to get out but they were at the entrance so the back way was the only way. We hit outside and the people already knew that we were out here "if they find us they'll see y/n and they'll take her/him away from us!" Bonnie said "where are we gonna put her?" Chica asked "what de ye mean by that?" Foxy asked "Freddy what do we do?" Chica asked "Foxy she's/he's your child,it's your call" Freddy said.

"Y/n,your gonna have te stay here and come back in when all of te people have gone" Foxy said "o-okay Foxy" you said. You ran over to a place to hide and you peeked over to see them and when the people came outside you hid and stopped peeking so they couldn't see you. After they had left you went inside and you peeked through a door and you saw Freddy,Bonnie and Chica on stage but they looked different than they usually look. And Foxy was nowhere to be seen "okay we'll come back in a few hours to check on them okay?" You heard someone say "alright we'll stay here" "see ya later".

'Maybe tomorrow if there done I'll come inside and I can see Foxy!' You thought. You went back to your hiding spot and all you did was think about seeing Foxy tomorrow.

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