Bedtime with Freddy

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Your POV
You was getting tired after You had met everyone so Freddy went to find something but you had a better idea "okay this is the best I could do-y/n?" Freddy said. You had hid under one of the tables in the backstage "uh...y/n what are you doing?" Freddy asked "I don't want anyone to come and take me so I'm gonna stay here" you said "uh...what? No your not".

"No ones gonna come in and take you y/n" Freddy said "okay.." you said. You got out from under the table and you went to bed "you okay y/n?" Freddy asked "yeah,I'm okay" you said "alright then,you get to sleep". "Night y/n" "night Freddy".

You couldn't get any sleep so you decided to stay awake for a while "is there anything to do here?" You whispered. You looked about but you couldn't find anything but you could only see Freddy and the others threw a gap hole in the wall "this is like I'm a spy" you said "wait....where's Foxy?" You said looking about. You couldn't find him but you felt a hand grab your shoulder "Ah!" You screamed "woah calm down lass/lad" Foxy said "you idiot Foxy! You scared me to death" you said.

"What is going on?" Freddy said coming in the room "okay,I did nothing I just...uh...heard a noise and it was Foxy" you lied,you didn't want them to find out that you have been staying up "well..get back to bed y/n" Freddy said "okay" you said walking over to your bed "night" you said "night y/n".

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