Extra Christmas Oneshot - England

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So, this was my original Christmas oneshot for England but I forgot about it and I thought of the other one. So, I thought I'd write this one too. Special oneshot! 2 Christmas oneshots in one day! Yay!

Things to note for this:
1. My OC, Malta, is in this story (She's five in this)


Arthur Kirkland.

The name I'd grown to love over the years of him being my best friend. However, I was never going to tell him that because of three reasons:

1. I knew he'd never feel the same way.

2. I knew he still wasn't over his previous love so there was no way he'd love me..


3. Scarlett. His daughter. I didn't want to impose on the life the two of them had together.

And so, I kept my feelings to myself. It was one of the Christmasses when Scarlett, in her cute five-year-old glory, had begged Arthur to let me come Christmas shopping with them. Of course I accepted wjen he asked as spending time with him, even as a friend. was still good.


I was asleep in my bed, having a great sleep, when I was awoken by the strangest alarm clock ever: a five-year-old. I opened my eyes to see Scarlett sitting on my stomach and giggling, "Hello!"

I chuckled, "Hello, Scarlett. How did you get in my house?" She giggled again and pointed to the doorway, where Arthur was standing. He was spinning my spare keys around in his hand, "You shouldn't have told me where your spare key was, Love."

"Okay, why are you two here?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and sitting up, placing Scarlett in my lap. She smiled up at me, "You said you'd come shopping with us today! Remember?"

"Right, how could I forget? Going Christmas shopping with my two favourite people in the world?" Right after I said that, I immediatly regretted it as it revealed my crush on Arthur. I quickly covered it up, "Now, out of my room so I can get dressed."

Scarlett perked up and hopped off my bed running out of the room, grabbing Arthur's hand and dragging him downstairs. I giggled to myself and got out of bed and dressed before walking downstairs and into the kitchen to see a plate lying on the kitchen table full of food. I looked to Arthur and raised an eyebrow, "Did you make this?" He shook his head, confusing me, "Then who did?" Arthur just looked down and I followed his gaze, to see Scarlett there, "I did." I just gawked at her. "How?" I asked, looking back up at Arthur.

"I have no idea. I mean, if my cooking skills are anything to go by, but, I'd eat up if I were you before it gets cold."

I sat down at the table and started eating, not noticing that Scarlett had managed to climb up onto the table, "How is it?" she asked. I looked up at her, "It's great, how in the world did you learn to cook like this?"

"Don't ask," she replied getting down off the table, slowly while keeping eye contact with me. She then proceeded to walk out the kitchen backwards, still keeping eye contact with me. Once I couldn't see her any more, I heard slight muttering, "Buono tomato, buono tomato, buono buono ooh! Tomato." However, I just turned back to the breakfast that Scarlett had somehow managed to make for me.


Soon, we were off and, as usual, the minute we were outside, Scarlett, asked me to give her a piggy-back ride. Me, not being able to refuse her cuteness, agreed and I helped her onto my back. We walked down the street for a while until we found the local Christmas market and, as usual, Scarlett pestered us to go and I looked to Arthur, "Very well." Scarlett perked up and we made our way towards the market. We walked around the market for the while until Scarlett perked up at something, "It's Santa!"

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