Lifeboat (Italy Veneziano x Depressed! Reader)

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So, I randomly thought of this while I was listening to this song. This will include mentions of self-harm. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF THIS IS A TRIGGER! I promise this will be the last time I hurt Feli in any way shape or form in my oneshots.


I breathed heavily, leaning on the edge of the sink. My depression had got really bad and now I was on the verge of ending it all. I took a look at the razor lying in the sink that I had just dropped after slicing my wrist. I shook my head and backed away from the sink to the door which was on the other side of the bathroom and sliding down it, softly crying as I was unaware whether my best friend was home or not. I soon softly started to sing to myself.

"I float in a boat

In a raging black ocean

Low in the water

And nowhere to go

The tiniest lifeboat

With people I know

Cold, clammy, and crowded

The people smell desperate

We'll sink any minute

So someone must go

The tiniest lifeboat

With people I know

Everyone's pushing

Everyone's fighting

Storms are approaching

There's nowhere to hide

If I say the wrong thing

Or I wear the wrong outfit

They'll throw me right over the side

I'm hugging my knees

And the captain is pointing

Well, who made her captain?

Still, the weakest must go

The tiniest lifeboat

Full of people I know

The tiniest lifeboat

Full of people I know."

Once I'd finished, I picked myself up and walked back to the sink. I picked the razor back up and ended it.



I woke up to voices, "Bella? Bella can you-a here me? Please-a wake up, Bella!"

"F-Feli?" I choked out. I then felt myself being embraced in a tight up, "Bella! You're awake! Why?!"

"Give her space, you bastard!" Feli immediately got off of me, "I'm-a sorry, Bella!"

"It's okay, Feli. I'm fine."

"Bella, can I-a ask you a question?"

I managed to open my eyes to see both the Italian brothers sitting in the room with me, Feli on the bed beside my head and Lovino and the end of it. I turned to Feliciano and nodded, "Fire away, Feli."

"Why-a did you do it?"

I froze up, "I-I, Feli, before I answer that, can I ask you a question?"


"Do you love Ludwig?" I asked, mentally preparing myself for him to say 'yes'.

"No, I-a don't, Bella. Where did you-a get that from?"

"Well it was just the situation with Valentine's Day and everything, I thought that the two of you were dating a-and I believed it meant that you'd never love me back so, I-I decided to end it. Although, it seems I was unsuccessful."

"Bella, please, promise me, you'll never do this again? I-a love you Bella and I-a don't like seeing you-a hurt!"

I felt tears brimming my eyes, "Feli, do you really love me?"

"Sí! Ti amo, Bella!"

"I love you too, Feli!" I squeaked.

"Bella, can I-a kiss you?"

I smiled before grabbing his hoodie and pulling him down on top of me, kissing him.

"I promise I won't hurt myself again, Feli."

"Good, Bella! I-a love you."

Before I could reply, I was interrupted by a certain Albino, "Kesesesese, hey Vest, I zink zat Feliciano's going to get laid tonight!"


He ran out, laughing to himself on the way. I turned back to Feli, "I love you too, Feli."

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