A Simple Misunderstanding (France x Reader)

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So, I've had this idea for a while and I'm now finally deciding to write it.

----------------------ENGLAND'S POV

"Britain, mon ami, I have something to ask of you... Will you... marry me?"

"What?! It's not April Fool's Day you idiot! Do you not have enough money to buy a calendar?!" I retorted back after being shocked for a second.

"Non, I'm serious."

It was then that I heard a sob from outside the room. I dashed to the door and opened it just in time to see (C/n) running around the corner, tears in her eyes. France, you bloody wanker! I ran after how without a second though leaving behind a very confused France, "Britain? Where are you going, mon ami?!"

I continued to run after (C/n), ignoring the frog's comment, "(C/n)! Wait!" By the time I found her, she was sitting on a bench, being comforted by Italy.

"Bella, it's-a okay. Shh, it's-a all going to-a work out-a okay. Calm."

YOUR POV - A few minutes before

"Will you... marry me?" I heard a French accent say though a door. I let out a sob and ran off. I had developed a crush on France but now, I'd have to bury the feelings and be happy for him. I ran as fast as my legs would take me, not hearing England calling after me, and eventually bumped into Italy, "(C/n)! What-a are you-a -Why are you-a crying?"

"It's nothing Italy, just leave me alone," I replied trying to get away from him. He grabbed my hand, "Bella, what-a are you-a talking about? Somethings-a wrong. Please tell-a me."

"Okay, fine," I responded a dejected look on my face. He dragged me outside and to a bench before sitting down on it and beckoning me to sit next to him, "Whats-a wrong, Bella?"

"It's just, you know how I told you I had a crush on France?"

"Sì, sì."

"Well, I was walking past a door and I heard something I wish I hadn't," I broke down in tears and sobbed onto his shoulder, "Bella, it's-a okay. Shh, it's-a all going to-a work out-a okay. Calm," he replied rubbing my back with his hand.

"Italy, what happened?"

I looked up at the new voice, "Oh, hi England."

"(C/n), listen, what France said, it was just a joke. He just doesn't have a calendar."

"So it was you?! You were the one that stole him from me?!" I shouted anger taking over from my sadness.

"Listen, love. I have no intention on marrying that frog! He's all yours if you want him! I'm serious! I hate that bloody frog with a burning passion! Please take him! I don't care."

"I'll trust you... For now," I finished glaring at him.

"(C/n), don't look-a now but.." he was cut off. 

"Britain! Mon ami! Why are you running?!"

I let out another choked sob and he noticed it, "Ma cherie, what's up?"

"You should know fine well! England's right, you are just a bloody frog!" I shouted before running off again, tears falling faster than before.


"Britain, mon ami, what's up with (C/n)?" I asked.

"It's your fault you bloody frog! She overheard our conversation and now she thinks you'll never love her! She's fallen in love with you, you frog! Why can't you just see it?! Oh, I know why! Because you're too busy flirting with any girl that you see!" 


"You do realise you're the only one that speaks French, you frog!"

"Sorry, what?!"

"It's the truth you bloody frog! You're the one that should make it up to her."

"Fine," I replied running off in the same direction (C/n) had run off in, "(C/n)! Wait!"


I eventually managed to catch up to her and grabbed her arm, "(C/n), listen to me."

"What do you want, Frog?!" she shouted back getting out of my grip.

"I'm sorry about what you overheard, mon amour, I really am. I just, h-he was helping me for when I asked the right person."

"W-what did you call me?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

"I called you 'mon amour' wha-" I was cut off when she pulled me into a kiss. My face went red as I'd had a crush on her for a while but I eventually melted into it, wrapping my arms around her waist and soon feeling hers on my neck. "I love you, France," (C/n) whispered in my ear when we broke off.

"Je t'adore aussi, (C/n)," I replied. She giggled before leaning up and kissing me again. We broke off when we heard the sound of laughing, "Kesesesese!"

"Prussia?! What are you doing here?"

"Watching this scene unfold, mein slightly-less-awsome-than-me friend!"

"Oh shut up!"



Mon amour - My love (French)

Je t'adore aussi - I love you too (French)

Mein - Mine (German)

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