Never Mess With (Y/n) (France x Child! Reader x England)

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So, this one. I randomly thought of this. So, the France bit is fluff and the England part is angst (With a slight fluff at the end - If I decide to add it)

Warnings: Google translated French...

(Mn/n) - MicroNation Name (Yes, you are a MicroNation. Deal with it!)

You are 8 in this by the way.


"(Y/n), cherie, it will be fine. I won't let anyone do anything to you."

"Are you sure it's okay for me to come Papa? I mean, I'm not really a country."

"Cherie tu est une micronation. Tu es toujours important. Come, on." I took his outstreched hand and we left for the meeting. (You are a micronation. You are still important)


"Papa, I'm scared," I squeaked squeezing his hand.

"Don't worry, cherie. I'm here. Tu n'as pas à t'inquiéter.(You don't have to worry) I relaxed my grip and we walked into the meeting room. Papa immediately had someone shouting at him, "You're late, you bloody frog!"

I recognised him immediately, "You! Espèce de petit amateur de thé maléfique! Tu m'as laissé seul! Vous ne laissez pas un enfant de quatre ans dans la rue! Mal! Mal! (You evil little tea-lover! You left me alone! You don't leave a four-year-old out on the streets! Evil! Evil!)" I shouted breaking out of Papa's grip and hitting the man in the legs, "Mauvais! Mauvais! (Bad! Bad!)"

"(Y/n), cherie, what are you doing?"

"Bad! Big meanie! He's the one that left me!" I replied walking back to Papa and pointing at the man.

"Angleterre, is this true?"

I noticed a whole load of other people had gathered around us, including two people I recognised as Papa's friends (Spian and Prussia). 

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Frog! The child is obviously spouting nonsense!"

"Mensonges, (Lies)" I muttered.

"What do you mean cherie?"

"He's lying Papa. He left me on the streets when I was four," I replied snuggling myself into Papa's chest as he'd now picked me up.

"Angleterre, are you really telling us the truth? Because I'm trusting (Y/n) more than you now."

"You have no proof that I did, Frog!"

"If you want proof. I have proof," I spoke up, reaching into the front pocket of my dress and pulling out a photo handing it to Papa, "Here." It was a picture of a four year old me, sitting in a box, wrapped in a tiny Union Jack blanket. Papa had taken it when he found me, "Is that proof enough?"


"Angleterre, you should know better than to leave a child! And you call me a frog! Although, she probably would have done the same as Amérique did. Beg for independence when she got older, due to your cooking."

"Frog! My cooking isn't that terrible!"

"Why did you abandon me?" I asked a sad look on my face and on the verge of tears again.

"Oui, why did you abandon the enfant?"

"Listen before you all get mad at me, I already had America to look after!"

"But why though? Just because you have someone else to look after, doesn't mean you can abandon me."

"I suppose you're right. I'm sorry, (Mn/n). I really am. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

I glared at him, "Forgiven but, France is Papa now! And will be forever."

"I deserve that," he muttered.

"Yes, you do," I giggled, snuggling back into Papa.

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