The 12th Day of HetaChristmas - England

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This will include my OC, Malta, by the way. I thought of this idea while in the car on the way to do the shopping/getting the Christmas tree with my dad. This also includes MaltCan shipping (My OC and Canada - I can't help it..)

-------------------------England's POV - 22nd December

"Father, just tell her!"

"Love, you know I can't just do that! There's no way she'd feel the same."

Scarlett just rolled her eyes at me, "Fine, if you won't do it, I'll do it for you," before walking off. My face lit up and I chased after her, "Love, please!"

"If you don't confess to her by the end of the year, I'll tell (Y/n) myself. I know you love her and I love you. I just want you to be happy, Father and the way that'll happen is for you and (Y/n) to get together."

-----------YOUR POV - Christmas Day

"Hey, Alfred," I spoke as he opened the door.

"Dudette! It's great to see you!" he replied dragging me inside. I broke out of his grip and straightened myself out, walking into the living room and making myself at home. Alfred was like a brother to me, making his house like a second home for me. Alfred came in and flopped onto the sofa, "Now, we wait for everyone to turn up."

I nodded, "Yep! You're right about that!"

We ended up playing 20 Questions until we heard the doorbell. Alfred shot up and dashed to the door, "Iggy! Dudette! You're here!"

By the next thing that was said, I guessed that Alfred had tried to hug Scarlett, "Get away from my Maple Leaf! Don't touch her!"

The four of them then came back into the room, Matthew holding a protective arm around Scarlett's waist and glaring at Alfred. They were followed by Arthur, ho had Alfred clinging onto his arm, "Iggy, Dude, you gotta save me!"

"Get off on me, Wanker!"

Scarlett chuckled before sitting down on the sofa, Matthew following sweet, wrapping, again, his arm around her waist.


It was a few hours later and we were in the middle of opening presents.

"Maple, here's your gift."

Scarlett turned towards him and took the wrapped gift from his hands. She unwrapped it to reveal a small box and when she opened it, her face lit up, "Mattie, it's beautiful. Thank you!"

"Not as beautiful as you, Maple. Do you want me to put it on for you?" Scarlett nodded before turning slightly, letting Matthew put the necklace on her. She smiled and dug her head into his chest, "I love you, Mattie. So much."

"I love you too, Maple."

"Oh, that reminds me. Father, there's something me and Mattie need to tell you."

"On you go, Love. I'm ready."

Scarlett took a deep breath and spoke again, "You're going to be a grandfather." I burst out laughing at Arthur's shocked face, "What?!"

"I'm not lying, Father. Here," Scarlett replied, handing him a piece of paper. I got a look at it as I was sitting next to him on the sofa and laughed again, "I never thought I'd see the day!"

Arthur then turned to me, "Love, if I'm going to be a grandfather, then you're going to be a grandmother."

Before I could reply, he leaned in and kissed me. My eyes widened but I soon melted into it. Our sweet moment was interrupted by some obnoxious laughter, "Ohonhonhonhon~ It seems like Angleterre is going to get some tonight~."

"Shut it, Francypants!" Scarlett tried to get up to chase him, however, "Mattie! Let me go!"

"Maple, I don't want you straining yourself! Please!"

I just smiled and leaned my head on Arthur's shoulder, "I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/n). Merry Christmas."

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