Stop It! ( Latvia x Russia's Sister! Reader)

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You're the same age as Latvia in this by the way.


Every time I saw Ivan crushing Raivis's spine, I felt really bad. Not because I was the one doing it but because I'd grown a crush on the Latvian. I couldn't help it though! He was just so adorable!

"Hey, (Y/n)! How ya doing, Dudette?!"

"Fuck off, Bloody American. I'm not in the mood for your shit right not."

"W-What?! Hey Feliciano! Are you sure your brother hasn't got a twin sister?"

"Why-a do you-a ask that?"

"Because the Dudette here is acting exactly like him. Are you okay, Dudette?"

"I'm fine, you bloody American! I just have something on my mind at the moment. I'm sorry for lashing out at you."

"It's okay, Dudette!"


I was in Ivan's house, watching him crush Raivis's spine again. I had finally had enough.

"Stop it!" I shouted. Both Ivan and Raivis looked at me, "Stop crushing his spine! It's not fair!"

"You don't mind, do you, Raivis?"

"Umm... Well, it does get sore. I-It's not the most p-pleasant e-experience."

"O-Oh. Then shall I stretch you?"

"N-No, it's fine!"

Getting my confidence up, I walked up to Ivan and wrestled the pipe out of his hand. I smirked once I had it in my hand, "Not so powerful now, are you? You know something that can solve your problem of crushing his spine?"

He looked at me blankly and I continued, "Magic Metal Pipe of Pain!" in my best impression of him. I chased him around the house until he eventually gave up, "Okay! Give up, da? No more crushing spine."

"Good, Ivan," I replied patting his head, "Make sure it doesn't happen again or I'll get Basch to shoot you, okay?"

"Got it!"

I handed him the pipe back and walked to where the three Baltics were standing shocked at the scene, "What?" I asked.

"Thank you!" Raivis squeaked hugging me. I flushed red due to the fact that I had a crush on him, "Y-Your welcome, Raivis," I replied. He let me go and looked to the other two Baltics gaining two nods in return. He turned back to me, "Um.. (Y/n). Can you close your eyes and bend down for a minute please?" I nodded and bent down to his level, closing my eyes. I opened them again when I felt warmth on my mouth. I flushed red again when I realised that he was kissing me. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I was the first to break for air.

"I-I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you too, Raivis and before you say anything, if Ivan doesn't like us dating then I will actually get Basch to shoot him."

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