True Love (Italy Romano x Spain's Sister! Reader)

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First meeting:

"Romano, this is my sister! Be nice to her, okay?"

"Whatever, stupid jerk bastard."


After our first meeting, I spent more time with Romano due to my brother. At first, I believed he was a complete asshole but when I spent more time with him, I realised I was in love with him. Why do you do this to me, heart? Why!? He's a complete asshole why are you falling in love with him?!

One day, I finally decided to let my emotions out. I sat on my bed and began singing,

Once I'd finished, I heard talking from downstairs. I recognised who they were immediately: My brother and Romano. I left my room and walked downstairs and the voices got louder to the point that I could hear what they were saying.

"She likes you, Roma! Why can't you see it?!"

"How could she?! I'll-a admit it, I've been a complete asshole to her!"

"Well, I heard her singing! It's obvious she does!"

"You know, Roma, he's right," I spoke from the doorway.


"You heard me, Roma. I love you."

I noticed his face in shock and he turned the colour of a tomato. I giggled at this and walked up to him, placing a kiss on his cheek. I felt a pat on my back but I just left it, wanting to enjoy the moment I had with Romano. I soon felt his arms wrap around my waist and I reacted by wrapping mine around his neck before leaning in and kissing him. After a few minutes of kissing, I noticed his facial expression change and he broke off. I also felt him tug on the back of my shirt. When he removed his arms from my back, I noticed he had a piece of paper in his hand. He looked at it closely before muttering, "Stupid tomato bastard."

"Roma? What is it?"

He rolled his eyes and showed me the paper. When I read it, my face turned the colour of tomato again. Toni had written something on it, 'Gone out for tomatoes. Text me when it's safe for me to return! (Wink face).' Toni! I will kill you!

I had only just finished reading it when Romano grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs, "If that's what that tomato bastard wants, that's what he'll get."

"I agree, Roma. What Toni wants, Toni gets!"


With that said, he pushed me up against the wall of my bedroom and kissed me passionately. I mentally smirked and brought my hand up to his curl, Let's make this more exciting. I tugged it, which released a groan from him and I felt the tent in his trousers enlarge. I smirked and brought my other hand (the one that wasn't playing with his curl) down to his erection and started palming him. This made him groan louder and I tugged on his curl again. This time, he broke away from my lips and left a trail of kisses down my neck. I moaned out and let go of his erection. He soon got down to the collar of my shirt, "This will have to go." He stood back and I removed my shirt slowly, teasing him. I also removed my bra, chucking the two items of clothing somewhere in my room.

--------------------LIME END

The next morning, I woke up to Romano's arms wrapped around me. I smiled before blushing at the events of the previous night. I just stared at Romano's face thinking about how cute he looked when he was asleep (Not that I'd admit it aloud to him) and smiled. A few minutes later he woke up, "Did you enjoy last night?"

I nodded and snuggled back into him, "Te amo, Roma."

"Ti amo, Bella."

I smiled and reached out for my phone on my nightstand. I switched it on to see a notification signalling I had a message from my brother. I opened messages and found the message Toni had sent me;

'Don't worry about me. I'm totally okay after totally not hearing what happened last night! (Wink face) I'm at Francis's house. Message me when I can return! You're loving brother, AFC.'

I put my phone back on the nightstand with a red face and turned back to Romano who noticed my face, "What is it?"

"Just Toni. Apparently he came back yesterday and heard us. He's at one of his friends' house now."



A few weeks later, one day when my brother was out, I felt the need to be sick. I rushed to the toilet and threw up.

"Are you okay-a?"

"Yeah, just morning sickness."

"Are-a you sure? This has been going on for a while."

"I suppose you're right Roma. I'll go to the doctors," I replied pecking his cheek.

"No, I'm taking you! You're not going alone."

"Okay fine. You can take me."

We got in the car and Romano drove to the doctors. We were seen straight away and the result of my sickness surprised us;

"I'm pregnant?!"


I then saw something I thought I would never see, Romano smiling. We walked out the doctors and back to the car. When we got back, Toni was back and Romano went of on a rant, "Congratulations you tomato-loving bastard, you got what you wanted!"


I giggled at Toni's confusion and spoke up, "He's talking about that note you stuck to my back a few weeks ago." His face showed confusion until it turned into a wide grin, "¡Voy a ser tío!"

"Yes, Toni, you are," I replied. His grin widened further and he ran out of the house, shouting, "¡Voy a ser tío!" over and over. I giggled at his antics and Romano chased him outside, "You don't need to go and tell everyone, you bastard!" I walked out and leaned on the door frame, watching Romano chase Antonio around the neighbourhood. I smiled and placed a hand on my stomach, "I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, little one."


I giggled to myself watching Elena chasing Antonio around the back garden and I smiled. Who knew love could come from hatred? I soon felt an arm around my waist. Knowing it was Romano, I leaned my head on his should and sighed.

"Are-a you okay, Bella?"

"I'm fine, Roma. I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"The best way to tell Toni he's going to be an uncle again."

I noticed Antonio had stopped dead in his tracks, I guess I said that a bit too loudly. This gave Elena time to jump on him, knocking him to the ground, "Ha! Got ya now! Tomato-Lover!" Antonio chuckled before rolling over so that Elena was sitting on his stomach. Antonio stood up, taking Elena in his arms and walked over to us, "Is it true?"

"Yes, Toni. You're going to be an uncle again," I responded, placing a hand on my stomach.

His grin widened and he took off running through the house and out the front door, probably going to tell the whole world (Literally).

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