Unstoppable Passion (Spain x Reader)

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This is for a competition on the Hetalia Amino. Yes, the title is the same as Spain's character song. That's the point of the competition: either, making an edit, drawing or a piece of writing based off of a character song.


"Hola, (Y/n)!"

"Hola, to you too, Toni," I greeted him. The two of us had been friends for ages, but it didn't stop me from growing a crush on him.

"Are you ready, (Y/n)?"

I nodded as I knew what he was talking about, he'd promised to teach me how to Flamenco. I was excited, to say the least as I would get to spend more time with him. However, there was a downside to it: My crush on him would only grow and grow and I'd never do anything about it.

"I'm ready. Now teach me!"

He chuckled before starting to teach me.


"Toni, how much longer?!" I whined. He was making churros for me and I was getting impatient.

He chuckled, "They'll be ready soon, just wait."

"But, Toni. You know I'm impatient!"

"I know, chica. You just have to learn to be patient."

"Toni, I haven't eaten anything all day! I'm hungry!"

"Chica, if you're hungry and you can't be patient then I have some leftover paella from yesterday. Romano wasn't hungry."

This caught my interest, "Gimme!" I dashed into the kitchen and to the fridge where I knew he was keeping in. I took it out of the fridge and grabbed a fork before dashing to the dining room table and starting to eat it.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were hungry were you, (Y/n)?"

"Shut it, and give me my churros."

"Jerk, bastard, where are my tomatoes?" I turned around at the voice to see Romano, an angry look on his face, "Toni, you never told me he was this cute!" I walked up to the tiny chibi and bent down, "So cute."

His face reddened, "Stupid, ragazza. Jerk bastard, where are my tomatoes?" he tried to walk away but I was quicker, I scooped him up in my arms, much to his protest, "Ragazza! Put-a me down!"

I just giggled before bringing my hand up and tickling his stomach, hence making him go to sleep.

"Ah, You're sleeping again," Toni spoke up.

"I can't eat anymore, bastard," Romano replied, curling back into me and going back to sleep.

"Chica, the churros are ready."

My head shot up and I looked him in the eye, "Gimme." He chuckled and handed me one. I smiled like a child getting ice cream or Romano getting tomatoes, and started eating it, wolfing down, "Toni, more."

He chuckled again and gave me another one, which I wolfed town too, Toni, where's Romano's room. I'll go and put him to bed so he can get some decent sleep and so my arm doesn't fall off. Geez, for a small chibi, he's heavy."


"Ah! You're scary, bastard! Let go of me! Spain, come help me, dammit..." was the first thing I heard when I walked over to Toni's house the next day. This was soon followed by seeing Romano being help upside down by Turkey.

Antonio then came running out, "I'll protect you from everything, no matter what it is

Should I say the magic word to cheer you up? Should I do it? Should I?"

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