Like Father, Like Daughter (Drunk! Malta x Reader)

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So, this randomly came to me. If you don't know, Malta is my OC. Also, in this, Malta isn't dating anyone...


I was sitting in the living room of the house that I shared with Scarlett and her father ever since my parents had kicked me out. I was alone as they'd both gone out, with Alfred, to the local bar and I didn't feel like going with them. However, I was soon disturbed from my peace and quiet by my phone going off. I sighed and put my book down before picking up my phone, "Hello?"

"Dudette! You gotta help me!"

"Alfred, what do you mean?"

"We have a situation. Please you gotta help me, I can't deal with both of them drunk off their asses!"

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Fine." before hanging up and putting my shoes on, walking out the door. I walked down to the bar as it wasn't far from the house and soon arrived. I walked in and soon spotted them, an easy thing to do from Alfred's squealing like a girl, Scarlett following him around. I walked over and caught some snippets of Scarlett's drunken words, "Come on, Alfie *hic* I know you want it."

"Dudette, thank God you're here! You take Scarlett, I'll get old Iggybrows."

I nodded and walked up to Scarlett, wrapping my arms around her, "Come on, let's got you home, Scarlett."


Me and Alfred soon managed to get the two of them home and up to their rooms. I got Scarlett onto her bed and tucked her in before going to walk out the door. However, I was pulled back, "(Y/n), stay." My face lit up as I'd grown a crush on her before I nodded and got in the bed with her.


The next morning, I woke up earlier that Scarlett and I rolled over to see her smiling with her eyes closed. You look so cute when you're asleep. I leaned and pecked her forehead, "Oh, Scarlett. If only you knew how much I love you."

Her eyes opened and I flinched back. If I hadn't been pulled back, I would have fallen off the bed, "(Y/n), do you love me?" I gulped and nodded, "I'm sorry, Scarlett! I know you don't feel the-" I was cut off when she pulled me back into her and kissed me. I was shocked but kissed her back and pushed her further into the bed.

"Love, are you-What?!" I broke off and turned to the door to see Scarlett's father there, a shocked look on his face. However, this soon turned into a smirk, "I'm proud, Love, you finally told her."

"Father! Not the time! Leave my room!"

Arthur chuckled, "Okay, Love. I'll leave you to spend time with your girlfriend."

"You're worse than Alfred! Out!" Arthur chuckled again before leaving the room, "Okay, Love." I turned back to Scarlett to see her with a bright red face.

"I'm sorry about, Father, (Y/n)."

"It's okay, Scarlett, he's just teasing you, but if you want, I can always be your girlfriend."

"I would love, that, (Y/n)."

Hetalia x Reader OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin