(England x Child! Reader)

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I randomly thought of this in the car on the way back from my grandparent's house... Please do not hate with this chapter, I just thought of this.

--------------ARTHUR'S POV

I was walking back home from a world meeting when I heard the sound of crying. I followed it to find a little child of about 2 lying in a cardboard box. What? Why is there a child lying here? I looked at the box closer to see a label stuck on it, "Please look after this child. Her name is (Y/n)." I read from the label. Well, I can't leave her here. I picked her up and continue my journey home.


Thankfully, I still had all the baby stuff from when Alfred was a baby so I didn't need to buy anything more.

----------------A FEW MONTHS LATER

We were all sitting round the dining room table, which managed to fit everyone around it when I heard crying from upstairs, "If you'll excuse me a minute. I just need to check on something quickly," before dashing off upstairs to (Y/n)'s room. She was sitting in her crib crying, "Papa!" she squeaked making grabby hands towards me.

"(Y/n), what are you making all this noise for?"

"Wonewy." (Lonely)

"You're lonely?"

She nodded, "Wonewy."

I sighed before picking her up, "If I bring you downstairs, you have to promise to be quiet, okay?"


I walked back downstairs to where everyone was, "What?"

"Who's the kid, Arthur?"

"This is, (Y/n). Don't ask where she came from," I replied sitting back down and letting (Y/n) settle on my lap, "Papa!" she said hugging me and snuggling into my chest.


"Shut it frog!"


A few minutes later and I realised (Y/n) had disappeared. Oh come on?! How many times?! "(Y/n)! Where are you?"

"Found her," Feliciano said, pointing down next to his chair. I looked down (As for some reason he was sitting next to me) to see (Y/n) making grabby hands at him, "Pasta!"

"Feliciano, what have you done?"

"Pasta!" (Y/n) continued still making grabby hands at him before having enough and getting up on his lap, "Pasta!"

"Don't give it to her."


She then climbed onto his head and reached out grabbing the pasta as Feliciano was holding the bowl up in the air. "Pasta!" she spoke before eating the piece, "More!"

"Come on, please let me give her some more! You can't say no to puppy eyes."


"Fine. Just not too much."


-----------------A FEW YEARS LATER - YOUR POV (Age 5)

I woke up to voices downstairs. I walked downstairs to see a whole load of people sitting around the dining table. Papa was arguing with someone who had shoulder length blonde hair, "I am perfectly capable of raising her, you frog!"

"Papa?" I asked tilting my head.

He turned around when I spoke, "(Y/n)! I thought you were asleep."

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