Potato Bastard! (Germany x Romano's (and Italy's) Sister! Reader)

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In this, the reader will have a slight Italian accent because well, obvious reasons. She's related to Italy and Romano... Also, in this, you are the island of Sicily. (An island off the coast of Italy). You still have your human name though!
"I really feel-a like we should tell Feli though. It's not fair to keep-a it from him," I spoke leaning my head on my boyfriend's chest.
"Ja, but he'll just go and tell Romano and jou know how he feels about me."
"Yeah, Roma does hate you-a. I don't know why but, he does. I'll-a still ti amo though."
"Ja, ich liebe dich auch."
"I know, I just wish that Roma didn't hate you-a. Feli would be happy. It may be-a out of character for him, but he's been saying that I-a need a boyfriend for ages and by what I've heard, he thinks you need a girlfriend as well and we'll have to tell them eventually, I mean, we can't keep this a secret for long," I replied placing a hand on my stomach, "Roma's going to kill you, you-a know that, right?"
"Ja, jour right. But your brother is your brother."
"Yeah. I apologise again for his-a first impression on-a you."
"Hey, Germany! Check this cool! This is my big brother Romano! Isn't he cheesy?!"
"I am Germany, a pleasure."
"I'm the Northern of the country and he's the Southern part-!"
"And I'm Sicily!" I shouted popping up from behind them.
"-Since we've always been governed separately, he had to spend more time with our big brother Spain so he's become kind of a dick! Right?! Now say hi to my friend!"
"Suck my balls you damn potato-eater!"
"Romano!" I shouted, "Hug time!" I grabbed hold of my brother and squeezed the living daylights out of him. Venicianco (Italy's full name (Italy Veniciano)) came over and hugged him as well, "Hug time!"
"Will you two stop it with your hug therapy already?!"
"Jou have nothing to be sorry for, Liebe. You can't control your brother's actions."
"I-a know."
"Hey-a, (Y/n)! Where-a are you?!" I perked up at the sound of my brother's voice.
"That potato bastard better not be doing anything to you!"
Shit! Romano's here too!
"Right, Germany. Out the window! It's the only way they won't catch you!" I pecked his lips before he dashed over to the window and climbed out. I walked out of my bedroom and to the door, opening it to reveal both Roma and Feli.
"'Bout time you let us in, Sorella!"
"Sorry, I was in the middle of something, Roma!" I shouted, fiddling with my hands.
"Ti amo, so much," I spoke, kissing Ludwig on the lips.
"Ich liebe dich auch," he replied leaning in to kiss me again.
This escalated into us making out and my with my back pressed up against the wall of the living room. We were so absorbed in the moment that we didn't hear the door opening until, "Fratello! You need to see this!"
We broke off just in time to see Feli with a giddy but nervous look on his face and a pissed off Romano, who went of on a rant immediately, "Damn potato bastard! Stay away from my Sorella! Damn bastard!" he ran up to us and was going to punch Ludwig, but I stepped in the way, taking the blow.
"Eek! Are-a you okay, Sorella?!" Feli squeaked running up to me and helping me up as Romano's blow had knocked me to the ground.
"Y-yeah I'm fine," I replied. I moved my wrist to rob the back of my neck but only got two centimetres before I screamed in pain.
"Look what you-a did, Romano!"
"Hey! It's not my fault you bastard! She wasn't supposed to get hit! I'm-a sorry, (Y/n)."
"It's okay, Roma. But please, don't try to punch Ludwig again."
"He's a potato bastard!"
"Roma," I spoke, my voice stern, "I'll take away your tomatoes."
This set him off, "Please! Not the tomatoes!"
"Do you promise to stop calling, Ludwig a 'potato bastard'?"
"F-Fine. For you, Sorella."
"Well-a now that's settled, let's get you-a to the hospital!"
"Feli! I'm fine!" I replied, getting out of this grip. It did actually hurt a lot but I didn't want the two of them finding out I was pregnant; Romano would go completely nuts if he found out.
"Feli, I-a need to-a tell you something."
"Please don't-a tell Roma this, but I'm pregnant. The two of you are going to-a be uncles," I whispered.
"Vee~! This-a is amazing!" he responded, picking me up and hugging me, "I'm-a so happy!"
"What the crapola is happening here?!"
"What-a I-a told that potato bastard not-a to do anything to-a you!"
"ROMA! PLEASE! Just stop-a. Ludwig didn't do-a anything wrong!"
"What-a do you-a mean?! You're-a my little sister! I-a don't want you-a to get hurt!" he shouted back wrapping me in a hug.
"Why would I get hurt, Roma?!"
"Because that-a potato bastard is-a going to-a leave you!"
"Roma, Ludwig isn't-a going to leave me-a! If he was-a he would have-a done already!"
"F-Fine. I'll try to get along with him, but the-a minute he hurts you, I'm-a taking you-a back!"
"Okay, Roma."

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