I Lovi You (Dejected! Romano x Reader)

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(Swearing!! Swearing)


"Come on, Bella! You-a said you'd come with me-a!"

"I know I did, Feli, just let me put my shoes on quickly," I replied putting on my shoes, "Now I'm ready."

He brightened up and grabbed my hand, dragging me out the door. He'd asked me to come with him to pick out a birthday present for Ludwig for some reason. I mean, it would have made more sense for Feli to ask Gilbert because he was Ludwig's brother but I guess Feli know's me better.


The minute we returned, Feli ran off to the kitchen to (probably) make some pasta. I giggled and took my shoes off. I was going to walk into the kitchen as well but I heard shouting. I followed the sound and soon worked out it was coming from the bathroom. I put an ear to the door and heard clearly "You-a fucking piece of-a shit! No one gives a damn about-a you!" I gasped realising it was Romano, "Roma, can I come in?" THere was no answer so, I opened the door, which he'd left unlocked and entered quietly to see him shouting curses at his reflection in the mirror. I gasped again and this caught his attention, "Chigi! Bella what-a are you-a doing?!"

"Roma, why are you shouting curses at yourself?" I asked.

"Why should-a I tell you-a?" he replied turning away from me.

"Roma, please. I want to help."

"Do you prefer my fratello over me?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Because he's better than me at everything."

"Roma, that's not true! I prefer you."

"Then what were you doing with my fratello this morning?"

"Listen, Roma, Feli only asked me to go with him to help him pick out a present for Ludwig's birthday. That's all we did."


"Yes, Roma. I like you better than Feli. You want to know why?"

He looked up at me with his tear stained face (He had slid down to the floor when I entered), "Okay."

"I love you, Roma. Or should I say I 'Lovi' you?"

He perked up and stood up. He then walked over to me and took my cheek in his hand before kissing me, "Ti amo."

"Ti amo anch'io, Lovi."

"Bella, do me-a a favour. Stop with-a the puns."

"Okay, love you." 

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