(Y/n) All Alone (Italy Veneziano x Axis! Reader)

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WW1 Timing btw.


"Now, ve need to stick together! No running off anyvhere vithout vere jou are going, got it?"

"Got it!" Me, Japan and Italy replied.

"Gut, now to training!"

"But, Germany! Training is hard!" Italy complained.

"Vell, jou need to train, Italy!"


It was a few weeks later when I was sitting on a hill with Italy that I felt some sort of presence behind me. I just left it though, not wanting to deal with it at the moment. However, I should have looked behind me as I felt my hands being tied behind my back, before being blindfolded. I had no idea what was going on but I guessed that I was being kidnapped. I soon heard footsteps running away, "Germany! Help!"

That little- I was cut from my thought when I was knocked out.


When I woke up, I was in what seemed to be a jail cell. Of course. Of course that Allies have captured me. I sighed to myself before curling up in a ball, accepting my fate, before starting to softly cry.


As soon as (C/n) had been kidnapped, I rushed back to Germany, "Germany! Help! (C/n) has been kidnapped!"


"I'm-a telling the truth!"


That night, I couldn't sleep. If I hadn't been so pathetic and if I'd done something, then I could have prevented it. It's my fault that (C/n) was kidnapped. I managed to sneak out and I went back the hill, starting to sing to myself,

"I'm in a bind, that's what I find.
Cause I went with my heart, not my head
Couldn't let them hurt her, now I'm a deserter.
Should I have betrayed her instead?
Wish I could turn the sundial back to before I felt this pain,
Having a BFF made my life a mess. Will I ever see him again?
Oh, I miss you, sorry I dissed you!
First time that I met you, you drove me round the bend.
Now. You're a friend.

I put her first. Seems that's the worst,
crime a soldier can commit.
But I don't care. The adventures we shared:
I loved every second of it."


That night, I curled up beside the wall, leaning my head against it. Crying, I started to sing to myself,

"Thought I was strong, maybe I'm wrong
Made a friend from our enemy Rome.
Lacked the killer punch when it can to the crunch,
Now I'm Orla all alone!
Wish I could turn the sundial back to before I felt this pain,
Having a BFF made my life a mess. Will I ever see him again?
Oh, I miss you, sorry I dissed you!
First time that I met you, you drove me round the bend.
Now. You're a friend.

I'll take my sword, join Boudicca's hoard
Lead the fight to our enemy Rome
But my head is reeling, I'm left with this feeling
I'm Orla all alone!"


"Wish I could turn the sundial back to before I felt this pain,
Having a BFF made my life a mess. Will I ever see her again?
Oh, I miss you, sorry I dissed you!
First time that I met you, you drove me round the bend.
Now. You're a friend."

"You're a friend."

"You're a friend."

"You're a friend."


I slowly managed to cry myself to sleep.


Once I'd finished, I had made up my mind. I would get (C/n) back. I managed to sneak out under Germany's nose and found the Allies hideout. You can do this, Italy. (C/n) is in need of your help! Get it together and no surrendering. I managed to locate where they were keeping (C/n) and once I was sure that no one was around, I snuck in...


I felt myself being shaken and I opened my eyes, "I-Italy?!"

"Bella, shh. I'm-a here to save you," he whispered. I smiled and nodded before he led me back the way he'd come.


"(C/n)?! How did jou get back?!"

"Well, there's a certain nation called, 'Italy'. He came and rescued me," I responded before turning to Italy, "Thank you, Italy."

"No-a problem, Bella!"

"I love you, Italy."

"I-a love you-a too!"


This is a load of complete shit. I am obsessed with this song though and I wanted to write a oneshot with it in... If anyone knows where I can watch the full film, COMPLETELY FREE (Not Amazon or anything like that where I have to pay) please tell me. I wanna watch it!

Hetalia x Reader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt