Intimidation Tactics (Estonia x Russia's Sister! Reader)

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Keeping a secret from your family. Oh boy. Probably not the best idea but, when you know who my family is you'll understand. I have two sisters and a brother. Russia or Ivan is my brother and my two sisters are Belarus (Natalia) and Ukraine (Irunya). Natalia is a bit 'crazy' as she keeps trying to get Ivan to marry her and apparently, I'm the only one that can snap her out of it. Then we have the Baltics. Latvia is adorable and whenever I catch Ivan crushing his spine, I always tell him to stop. Lithuania I feel incredibly sorry for as I've caught Ivan several times hitting him, again, whenever I catch Ivan doing this I tell him to stop. Finally, we have Estonia, my secret boyfriend of a few years. Please don't tell my family though.

Come on, (Y/n). You can do this. I was trying to get the courage up to ask Ivan to sell Estonia to me. I finally did and went over to his house, knocking on the door.

"Come in, da?"

I walked in and found my brother, "Ivan, can I talk to you about something please?"

"Sure, little sister. We can talk in here, da?" I nodded and followed him into his office, "Ivan, I want you to see Estonia to me."

"Why would I do that?"


"Okay," he replied walking out the room, "Es-to-nia! Come here."

A few minutes later, Estonia appeared in the doorway and I smiled at him. He noticed and smiled back before turning to Ivan, "What do you need, Mr Russia?"

"You are going to live with (Y/n)."


"You heard me, Estonia. Now go and pack your things."

Estonia nodded and dashed out the room. Ivan turned to me, "I know you're dating, da?"

My face turned into one of pure shock, "How did you?!"

"My little Lithuania told me."

Toris, I am going to kill you!

"I don't mind though. You two make good couple, da?"

I breathed a sigh of relief and hugged him, "Love you, big brother." I then walked out of the room to see Estonia waiting for me, "Are you ready?"

He nodded and we walked out of my brother's house, making our way to my house. The minute we got in, Estonia pinned me to the wall, "Eduard, what are you doing?"

"I've been waiting to do this for ages," he replied before kissing me.


"Ivan, I-I need to talk to you."

"What is it, little sister?"

"I'm pregnant," I whispered, looking down at my feet.

"You're telling the truth, da?"

I nodded before I felt myself being wrapped in a hug.


"Y-yes, Mr Russia, sir?"

"Treat her right, da?"

"Y-yes, Mr Russia!"

I giggled, knowing what was going to happen if he didn't (not that he wouldn't treat me right.) Ivan was talking about his pipe.

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