American Idiot (England x Reader)

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Firstly, this has nothing do to with the song, I just wanted to call the oneshot this. This also randomly van to me while I was trying to get to sleep one night.


"Alfred! No! I already told you, I'm not going in the pool!" I shouted trying to get out of the American's grip.

"Why, Dudette? That was the reason you came!" 

"No, actually the reason I came was because you forced me here! I am not going in the pool!"

"Too late!" he replied pushing me in before running off. I spluttered around for a bit, as he'd put me in the deep end and I didn't actually know how to swim.


I arrived at Alfred's house for this 'party' he was having. He'd forced me to come for some reason, and I reluctantly agreed. I knocked on the door and it was soon opened by Alfred himself.

"You made it, Dude! I was wondering when you'd get here!" he shouted wrapping an arm around me.

"Get off of me, you wanker!" I shouted back shoving him off of me. He let me in and we walked into the living room where everyone was, "Where's (Y/n)? Is she here yet?"

"Yeah she's here. She just went for a swim."

This set me off, "Alfred you bloody git!" I shouted slapping him on the head before running out to his back garden, only to see (Y/n) spluttering in the pool. I will so murder you Alfred! I dived in, after discarding my shirt, and swam to her, pulling her to the pool edge and out the pool, "You okay, Love?"

She coughed for a bit before nodding, "Thank you, Arthur. Alfred just chucked me in the pool even though I told him not to, he still did it."

"You're okay now though, Love, right?"

"Yes, I'm fine now. Thanks to you," she replied fiddling with the hem of her shirt, Alfred you put her in there fully dressed!? I will actually kill you, bloody wanker!  "Shall we go and get you warmed up, (Y/n)?"

She nodded and I picked her up, running back inside and up to Alfred's spare room. Unfortunately, this brought the attention of some others, "Arthur, is that (Y/n)?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Matthew."

"Yes, it is, Matthew. Alfred chucked her in the pool."


"Because he's a bloody git! That's why, Mattie," (Y/n) replied.

"Could you go and see if any of the other girls have any spare clothes? (Y/n)'s are soaked."

"Okay!" he replied running off, probably glad to get to do something useful. I placed (Y/n) down on the bed and huddled her to me to try and keep her warm.

A few minutes later, Elizaveta came in with a pile of clothes, "I have these that (Y/n) can borrow."

"Thanks," (Y/n) replied taking the clothes before walking int the bathroom.

------------------YOUR POV

"I'll give you these back tomorrow, thanks Liz."

"It's okay, (Y/n). Take your time."

"Um, Arthur, can I speak to you please? Alone?" I asked, again fiddling with the hem of the shirt that Elizaveta had lent me.

"Of course, you can Love."

Elizaveta got the message, leaving the room so I was alone with Arthur, "I just wanted to say 'thank you for saving me'. Alfred can be an idiot at times."

"It's okay, Love. I'm glad I saved you."

"There was something else I was wondering; Why do you keep calling me 'Love'?"

"Um.. Well, you see," he continued to stutter, his face going red. I giggled, "Is it to do with this?" I asked leaning up and pecking his cheek, "Because if it is, I love you too."

He didn't reply but just pushed me on the bed and pinned me down, "Good, Love," he spoke leaning down and kissing me. I immediately brought my hands up to hold his neck, with the other going to tangle in his hair. I soon also felt his hands holding my hips and it turned into a make-out session. We were cut short by a certain-

"Ohonhonhonhonhon~ Get some, Angleterre!"

"Go away, you bloody frog!" Arthur shouted at the intruder. I giggled, making his attention turn back to me, "Sorry about the interruption. Now where were we, Love?"

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