(Pirate! England x Wife! Reader)

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So, this randomly came to me whiled I was asleep. Thankfully, I remembered it when I woke up in the morning. Also, fyi, I have another Pirate! England oneshot in mind. Implied smut btw but no actual lemon.


Please, come home, Arthur. Please. I was pacing back and forth in the living room. Arthur had been away on one of hi pirate escapades and he still hadn't returned. I was starting to get worried that he wouldn't come back at all. I continued to pace until a small voice caught my attention, "Mother? Are you okay?" I looked up from my hands, as they were previously covering my face, to see Mia, mine and Arthur's teenage daughter looking at me with a questionable look on her face.

"I'm fine, Sweetie. You don't need to worry."

"Really? Because you pacing means that's somethings up. What is it?" she persisted sitting down on the sofa, "I'm not going to move until you tell me."

"Who made you so stubborn?"

"I believe that was your's and Father's doing, Mother," she smirked at me, "Now, what's up?"

"What do you mean, Mia? How is Mother and Father's doing that you're stubborn?" I turned to the doorway to see Sebastian, a tired and confused look on his face. He was 5 and I didn't want Mia ruining his innocence, so I answered before she could, knowing that she'd tell him the truth and then he wouldn't listen to the explanation I'd give him, "Sebastian, that's something you'll learn when you're older. Pay no attention to your sister. Come on, are you not sleepy? Let's get you back to bed." I walked over to him and picked him up, which was getting harder and harder with every month that passed. Arthur, you better come back. I don't know how I'll be able to raise three children on my own. That's right, the night before Arthur left, we had some 'fun' and short story short, it ended with me being pregnant. Arthur still didn't know as I felt it would be a surprise for him when he returned, if he returned that was. No! He will return, (Y/n) snap yourself out of this! He'll be fine. He's strong! I kept giving myself a mental peptalk till I had reached Sebastian's room. I tucked him in and kissed his forehead, "Now sleep." He was asleep almost immediately and I smiled, walking out his room and closing the door behind me before returning back downstairs.

"Now, can you tell me what's wrong, Mother?"

"I told you before, I'm fine, Sweetie. You don't need to worry!"


Three months later, our third child was born. Unfortunately, I didn't have Arthur there by my side but, this would be a surprise for him when he returned. I was glad as Mia started helping me out, even changing Elizabeth's nappy (Did they exist in the 1600s?) when I was busy doing something. She also kept Sebastian busy when I had to feed Elizabeth and I was grateful for this. I didn't want Sebastian's innocence to be ruined just jet.


Four years later, I was sitting on the sofa watching Sebastian and Elizabeth playing with each other while Mia was up in her room, presumably drawing something when I heard a knock at the door. I stood up and walked to the door. Upon opening it, I noticed a messenger, "Letter for Mrs Kirkland, ma'am!"

I smiled and took the letter from him, paying him in the process, "Thank you sir."

"Just doing my job, ma'am!" And with that he was off. I chuckled to myself and closed the door before walking back into the living room and sitting on the sofa. I opened the letter and recognised it as one from Arthur immediately due to the handwriting:

"Dear Love,

Every day I am away from you is torture. However, I hope you are coping and that Mia and Sebastian are doing well too. I miss you all so much and this brings me onto why I am writing this letter. I am to return to you on the 20th of October. I can't wait to see you and the children again. I love you so much, Love.

Yours, your Beloved Husband,

Arthur Kirkland."

I smiled at the note and I felt tears brimming my eyes. I looked to the calendar that we had to see it was the 20th that day. I smiled even wider and turned to the children, "Put your shoes on. We're going for a walk. I'll go and get Mia." The two of them smiled and stood up, walking out the room to put their shoes on. I smiled again and walked upstairs to Mia's room, "Mia, Sweetie. We're going out for a walk. Come on."

"Okay," I heard her reply before the door to her room opened. She smiled up at me and walked downstairs. I followed her and put my shoes on as well as my coat before helping Elizabeth and Sebastian. We were soon out the door and we walked down to the docks.

We arrived and waited, me holding onto to both Sebastian and Elizabeth's hands so they wouldn't get lost with Mia walking next to us. We didn't have to wait too long as the familiar sight of Arthur's ship soon came into sight and I smiled. His crew jumped off and docked the ship before Arthur himself walked off. I looked to him and caught his eye before he noticed and walked over, "Love, it's so good to see you!"

"I missed you too, Arthur," I replied before kissing him. I felt a tug at the bottom of my dress and looked down to see that Elizabeth had let go of my hand and hadhid herself behind me. I smiled sympathetically and picked her up, "Elizabeth, there's nothing to be worried about. This is your father. Arthur, this is Elizabeth. Your daughter." I totally understood Elizabeth's worry though. If my mother had kissed a random guy wearing a pirate hat and an eye-patch, I would have been confused as well.

"Where'd she come from, Love? We only had two before I left." I bit my lip before replying, "You remember that night before you left? Well that's where she came from."

"Oh. Love, why didn't you tell me? I could have come back!"

"I wanted it to be a surprise for when you returned, Arthur."

"That doesn't matter now. What matters is that I'm back and I'm going to spend all the time I can with you Love and the children," Arthur replied before leaning into my ear, "Especially you. Tonight."

I giggled and rolled my eyes before lightly punching him in the chest, "Okay, Mister. The last time you said that, we ended up with Elizabeth."

"But, Love. I haven't seeing you in four years. I want to worship every part of your body that I can. That includes pleasuring you until you're screaming my name," he whispered again in my ear.

"Okay, fine. But let me drop these three trouble makers off at my brother's house first, okay? Then we can make as much noise as we want, Arthur."

"Sounds like a plan, Love."

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