Chapter 63

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"Ciara Ryleigh, you are by far the most irresponsible 17 years old I've ever seen," my mother started.

"Sorry mother," I said with a wavering voice. I'd gotten 80 on my last test and my parents were not happy.

"How are you going to become a doctor or engineer with these horrible marks?" My father seethed.

"I-it's only o-one ex-," they cut me off.

"Shut up! Don't back answer us!" My fathered roared.

"S-Sorry Sorry," I said, cowering beneath them.

"Go to your room. No dinner for you tonight. Not until you redo the whole paper. Anything less than 100% and you face the consequences," my father said strictly. I nodded, wiping away the tears. My father threw the paper on my face.

"Get this away from me. Such a disgrace," my father said angrily. I collected all the papers and ran back up to my room.

I fell on my bed and started sobbing. I felt two small hands on my hand, prying it away from my face.

"Don't cry Ceecee," my sister, Clara said.

"I won't baby, I won't. Come here," I said and pulled her in for a hug. I didn't want to be the weak one with my 13 year old sister. She looks up to me and I didn't want to tarnish my image with her.

That night, I went to bed hungry. I didn't mind to be honest. I was glad I could even go to bed without either of them degrading the life out of me.

The next day I gave the paper I had rewritten to my father before leaving to school. School was blank. I didn't focus right in class. The panic I felt was overpowering my attention. I only knew that Monday was off because our principal had just passed away.

I just stepped into my house and the first thing I hear is the loud yell of my father.

"This is pathetic!" He yelled and I knew I'm screwed.

"You've got just 94! What is this bullshit?!" He screamed at my face.

"I-I'm Sorry," I whispered.

"Shut up! Shut up! You're going to your room and don't you dare step out of it!" He shouted.

I went up to my room and just as I shut the door I heard the lock go off. I ran back and banged on the door. Did they lock the door? Oh my god!

"Father please open the door!" I panicked. I felt stuck. I am stuck! Oh my god I'm going to die here. My eyes stung with tears as a sob ripped through me. My heart felt like it was being jabbed by a thousand needles. Each breath I took felt lethal.

I got into my bed and tried humming a song my nana used to sing to me. She's the only other person that cared but she died last year and since then I've had no one to go to. My sister is there for me but I don't want her to think of me as weak. I want to and will be strong for my girl.

A full day had passed and I hadn't eaten anything. My stomach hurt from hunger. I had a bottle of water and a sandwich I wasn't able to eat in my bag. I ate it in slow bites to prolong the life of the food. I went to bed, crying to myself.

Second day rolled around and I was writhing in pain. I'd never gone this long without food. My whole body felt like it was about to give out. I didn't have an ounce of energy. All the food and water depleted in my room. I had nothing to rely on.

Yet another day passed and by now I felt so faint I couldn't even get out of my bed. Even sitting up made my head throb with shooting pain. The dizziness was unbearable.

It was past 10 when I heard my door handle rattle. Were they going to let me out? I felt a surge of happiness and I used to last bit of energy to sit up. The door slowly opened and my sister was standing outside the door with a plate in her hand.

"Lars?" I said meekly and she shushed me.

She entered the room and shut the door behind her.

"Eat this," she said, passing the plate to me. On it was a heaping serving of pasta. My mouth watered when I saw the good food. I quickly dug in and ate the food, soothing my burning stomach.

"How'd you get in?" I asked with a mouthful of food and she giggled.

"Mother and father went out and I saw where he kept the key. I just snuck in and opened the door," she said.

"Leave quickly. Please don't get in trouble because of me," I said, finishing the food. She gave me a huge glass of orange juice. I was so thankful my sister had done what she had but if my parents found out she'd be in so much trouble and I'd never let anything happen to my precious girl.

Once I downed the glass of juice I passed everything back to her and pushed her out of my room.

"I'll be fine ok darling? You take care. I love you princesse," I said. She kissed my cheek and I kissed her forehead. For some reason it has always been that way.

"Please take care. I love you too puppy," she said, in the verge of tears.

"Don't cry now. I'm going to be just fine. Just you watch silly," I laughed and hit her head playfully. She wiped her tears and gave me one last smile before shutting the door.

My parents left me out of my room the next day, only because I had school. I was finally glad to leave my room.

After that one horrible day all my social life was cut out. I was focussed completely on studies. My parents thought for my 'dumb' brain, engineering is what I'd do better at. And so I was lucky enough to get enrolled in a good university which offered and exceptional architectural engineering course.

Clara went with my parents wished and pursued medicine. But thankfully for her she actually loved it. Until now, life was somewhat going smoothly.

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