Chapter 9

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I'm feeling a wee bit bad for not uploading earlier so here you go, there's three chapters today :)


Once Ryleigh, Ciara, whatever, told me the truth I immediately rushed out and returned home.

I was so confused. I don't understand her need to lie. Yeah maybe she's famous and she wanted to be treated like a normal person but isn't that intention just purely for her good?

She had lie about her identity, so what else must've been lies? How many lies has she told me to keep her initial lie believable? How can I believe anything she says? My mind was racing with thoughts when I entered my house.

"How's it with Ryleigh?" Harry asked and I immediately winced when heard her name. He was on his computer, probably doing some of his work.

"Don't- Just don't say her name," I said.

"Why?" Harry asked, completely oblivious to the prior conversation I had with Ciara.

"She lied to me," I Said blankly.

"Ryleigh lied to you... about what?" He asked.

"Her fucking name. Now stop saying it," I said, getting agitated.

"Jesus. Relax babe," He said and put his hand up in surrender.

"Elaborate," He Said right after.

"Her name is Ciara. Ciara Crawford. She fucking owns the company," I groaned.

"What?!" Harry shrieked.

"You're telling me your Ryleigh is the same woman who runs the whole fucking company?" He asked and I nodded.

"Stop it Harry. Whoever she may be, doesn't change the fact that she lied to me," I said.

"Well was there a reason or was it just to play with your feelings?" He asked.

"She said, she wanted to be treated normally for once. How conceited," I scoffed.

"I can't blame the woman. She can't go to the grocery store without people following her," He said, looking up from his computer.

"Did you just call her conceited?" He asked.

"I did," I said.

"I don't think she's being conceited Niall. She genuinely gets bombarded where ever she goes. She has no personal life. Everything about her is out in the open. Even you apparently," He said and I looked back at him in shock.

"Me- what?" I asked and rushed next to him and looked at the article he had opened up.

I read through the article and it was, as usual, a load of bullshit. There were picture from our little diner hang out. It talked about how we were having a secret affair and that she's sleeping with me and all sort of woven lies about us. It portrayed Ciara as a harlot and I wasn't liking it. I closed the tab and took a deep breath.

"Still think she's conceited?" Harry asked.

"No," I sighed, "I mean it still doesn't justify her actions H. What the hell do I do?"

"Take some time off, see what's your feelings towards her, then go forgive her. Because knowing you, you probably already love her," He said and broke out into laughter.

"I'm not a teenage boy who proposes to a girl three days after knowing her," I chuckled.

"But you are," Harry teased.

"Remind me again, why am I friends with you?" I asked and he ruffled my hair.

"Because you loooveeee me baaabyyy," He said in an obnoxious voice and we both started laughing.

"But Niall, I got to say, you lucky fucker," He said.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"You went on a date with, who I would call is, one of the most influential person in Manhattan," He said.

"First of all it wasn't a date. Second of all it was under the most horrible circumstances," I said.

"Hey now. Think of this from Ciara's position. She must've wanted to say it out as well but she can't just blindly trust anyone. She's in one of the most wanted businesses right now. She makes money in millions and billions. If she just came out right and said, 'by the way I own a multimillion dollar company.' Everyone would want to be her 'friend' because it just means unlimited money. So even though I don't condone lying, she's got a reason for doing so," He explained.

"If you keep talking I might go over now rather than later because I'd rather be with her than your annoying ass," I said.

"I'd want that. I mean, free bank lad!" He said and laughed while I frowned.

"You realise I'm not friends with her for her money right?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"It was a joke Nialler," He said and pay my back.

"A lame joke Hazza. You know I don't like living off of another person's money," I said.

"I know. You still pay half the rent when I ask you not to. You definitely don't give a shit about what I say," He voiced.

"Because it's not fair on you or me if I live off of your money. It's outright rude," I answered.

"You're too good Niall. Too good," Harry said.

"Thank you. So what do you think I should do with Ciara?" I asked.

"I say, wait it out. Make her regret it for a while. Once your sure she actually, genuinely, feels bad for her actions then go talk to her. Talking to her is the only way you can resolve your conflict," He said.

"You give good advice," I mentioned.

"It is in my blood, love," He chuckled.

"Alright well, I'm going to get some sleep. Wake me if you're done with dinner," I said and left him in the kitchen before going to my room.

I fell on my bed and quickly fell asleep without my mind swimming in my thoughts.

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