Chapter 61

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It had been two days since we landed in London. My work forced Hadley and I to leave our boyfriends behind and do it. The three boys decided to have a lad's day, essentially. Since all of them are from around here, they knew their way around London. We let them have their fun while Hadley and I did our work.

We met up with the realtor and he was quite glad to finally meet me. We checked out the site and it seemed pretty vast enough for me to build my next branch. Once we'd settled everything he'd asked me to sign a couple sheets and now I had to wait to get approval from the government. Once that's through I'd have to sign another round of papers and this plot would be mine.

It was close to evening after all our work was done. I called Niall after I'd gotten out of the real estate building.

"Hey baby," He said as he picked up.

"Hi. Where are you guys?" I asked.

"On our way home, why?" He asked.

"We just finished work and I wanted to check up on ya," I said and he laughed.

"I'm not a kid Cee. Anyway, that's very sweet of you. I'll see you back at the hotel? Oh! Yeah mum and dad are on their way. I forgot to tell you," he said.

"Oh! It's been so long since I saw Maura and Bobby, how are they?" I asked as I got into the car with Hadley. She was occupied with texting Liam, I think.

"They're good. They're good. Uh they'll be there in half an hour. It'll take us about 45 minutes to reach the hotel. Will you be there but then?" He asked.

"Yeah yeah. I'm only 20 minutes away," I answered.

"Sweet. I'll see you soon then, beautiful. I love you," He said, putting a smile on my face.

"I love you too baby," I said and made a kissing noise and he laughed before doing the same.

We returned to our hotel and Hadley went up to her room while I waited in the lobby for Niall's parents.

Just as I was about to ring up Niall I saw two familiar faces walking towards me.

"Ciara darling, how are you?" Maura asked, pulling me in for a tight hug.

"Maura! Bobby! Ah it's been so long. I'm great. How about you two?" I asked. It has been long. The last I saw them, Niall was practically half dead.

"We're great. And how's Niall? Is he in any pain?" She asked worried for her son.

"Oh he definitely isn't. He's perfectly alright. He just has to take it easy for a little while and I'm making sure of it," I said.

"So what's happening between you two?" Bobby asked and my face flushed.

"Uh well... he's my boyfriend," I said and Maura let out an excited squeal.

"This is so exciting!" She said and I laughed.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"He was literally fighting himself to ask you. He was so scared you'd reject him. I had to convince him a lot before he even gave it a thought. He didn't even believe he had a chance with you," Maura sighed.

"He takes that little voice in his head way too seriously," I shook my head. The events of the past month replaying in my head. It was quite literally the most confusing period in my life.

"Did he do something?" Bobby asked. These parents are way too good with facial expressions.

"Uh... um well it's all over," I said.

"What did he do?" Maura asked.

"There was this article. It called him some... vile things. He just randomly broke up with me and ran away. He didn't return until late night and he apologised profusely," I said and Maura gasped.

"The audacity of this boy," Maura said with a disappointed tone.

"He's trying Maura. He's constantly coddling me and I'm not complaining," I giggled. Since that unfortunate day Niall has been making sure that my lips don't even turn down into a frown. Even though I forgave him a while back he still makes sure that I stay happy and I do the same in return.

Just as we were stood outside talking I saw three figures walking to us.

"Mumma!" My 28 year old boyfriend ran to his mum at full speed.

"Stop running boy!" His mum scolded and he immediately pouted like a three year old.

"I missed you so much mumma," He said, hugging his mum tightly.

"And what am I? Chopped liver?" His dad asked and Niall left his mum to practically jump on his dad. That old man still had it in him, I must say.

"I missed you too dada," He said. Need I remind you, he's 28 years old. I giggled at his adorable behaviour.

"Alright let me go boyo," his dad said and left him only after making sure his feet was on the ground. He quickly ruffled Niall's hair with a laugh.

"Harry! Son how are you?" Bobby moved on. I know I shouldn't but I felt a pang of jealousy. They're parents are the nicest two I've met. I can't help but wish I had parents like that. I had strict rules from my parents to call them mother and father.

"Darling, what happened? Why're you crying?" Niall asked, wiping away those tears.

"Baby tell me," Niall said, looking more and more worried.

"It's nothing baby. Nothing," I shook my head and gave him a smile. Usually these smiles would be fake but this one is real one. I love how he cares.

"B-But-," He started but I cut him off.

"Don't worry darling. Nothing is wrong," I said. "I promise, I love you."

"I love you too," He said and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"You both are so adorable," Bobby said randomly.

"Thanks dada," Niall said, looking down at me before engaging in a conversation with his parents as we went up to our rooms.

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