Character Answers!

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Alright damn, there's a lot of questions. I miss Ciara and Niall :(


How are you?

Very very happy. And how about you?

Who is Hadley to you?

She was my assistant for a long time but she's my one of my closest friends now! Honestly regret not befriending her earlier haha. But in all honesty, she's such a supportive person and is always there to back me up and I'm so glad I get to be acquainted with such a wonderful person.

Do you like Niall's family?

Absolutely adore the bunch. They're the most sweetest and lovely people I've met. Maura and Bobby are such welcoming parents and I feel so much more at home with them around. I love Greg and Denise as much as my siblings and they're honestly so great to talk to. Theo, my little ball of sunshine, he's so active all the time. Never lets me sit when I'm over and that's what I love most about him.

Who are you closest to apart from Niall?

I suppose the other boys and Hadley. I never really had good bonds with people in fear of rejection and abandonment because that's always been my biggest issue when it comes to attachment. I didn't want to get too close to them only for them to leave me you know? Only when I realised that someone people are here to stay, such as Niall, did I let myself acquaint with others. Harry and Hadley being one of the first few. I know they've always got my back from near or far.

How's Niall in bed?

That's quite personal aye? I suppose I'll keep that one to myself. I'll let you in on one thing though, he's always very caring and puts me ahead of him ;)

When did you know that you love Niall?

To pinpoint an exact time is, at least for me, very hard. My feelings amplified quite a lot when he was in the hospital because, although it was all nightmare fuel, just being in that room with him gave me a sense of comfort I never felt. And at that point I was just slowly realising how much I needed him in my life. Looking back, I'd say that was a vital moment in me realising my love for Niall.

How do you do that? Being a CEO of a company you worked for at such a young age? How do you manage everything?

It's not easy, I'll tell you that. I have my hard days. Work is not all sunshine and rainbows. I went through my fair share of hell when I was just starting up. Obviously, a female in a, traditionally, male dominated profession was considered a threat to all those alpha males out there. It bought me down a lot but at the end my goal always remained to prove everyone who put me down wrong. From my parents, to media, to the third party who believed I'd fail, I wanted to show them I can shine. And that, that was my motivation.


How are you?

Great! Ecstatic! Absolutely buzzin! You?

Do you think you both are soulmates? You and Ciara?

I know if you asked Cee this, she'd immediately go on a rampant about how soulmates are a buncha bullshit but yes. I do believe Ciara and I are meant for each other. It's like we complement each other perfectly. Sooo yeah hahaha.

How's Ciara in bed?

You wouldn't believe that she was a CEO if I told you how she was in bed, if you know what I mean hahaha. No but she's a lovely partner, in all aspects of a relationship. She always tries to keep everyone she loves satisfied and I think I should just return the favour you know?

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