Chapter 60

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I started going to physical school and I already want to jump off a cliff. Pray for my soul haha.


A month had gone by and it was time for us to go to London. Liam luckily got a break from work. After all of had packed we met at the airport. We got through security and were relaxing at the lounge until our flight was called.

I was cuddled up to Niall's side, on the verge of sleep because of how early in the morning it was. He was playing with the end of my hair which just made me even sleepier. Just when I was about to sleep the speaker blared out, calling our flight. I was quite pissed but Niall just laughed at my crankiness.

Climbing into our seats, I was the first to pass out. I leaned on Niall and went to sleep almost immediately.

A couple hours go by and Niall was waking me up.

"Up baby," He said and shook me lightly.

"Hmm?" I hummed, half awake.

"It's your breakfast kiddo. Wake up," Niall said and I finally opened my eyes. The air hostess just gave me a smile and placed my food in front of me.

"Thank you," I said, voice still heavy with sleep. I stretched like a cat once she had left. I went back to leaning on Niall. Flying always takes such a toll on me. And considering we're going to a completely different country, I know for a fact the time differences are going to wreck me.

"Good morning," Niall chirped.

"It's too early for that," I yawned before eating my food. Definitely the heat of the food woke me up.

"How are you not sleepy?" I asked.

"I'm too excited," he said. "Mum said she'd come visit us."

"Hey no. We can go over," I said.

"Mmm no. We can go some other time. Ireland will need more than a week," he laughed.

"Oh... ok," I shrugged and went back to eating my food. After breakfast I jumped right back to sleep whereas Niall kept himself occupied with movies. I told Niall I'd be skipping lunch because, again, sleep is very important. He wasn't too keen on it but he agreed to it if and only if I promised I'd eat some of his dinner. I agreed obviously. I wasn't starving myself or anything. I just value sleep over food, for now.

It was around 1 and Niall woke me up because our flight was about to land. Now that I was finally properly awake, we were talking for about half an hour before the pilot informed us that we'd be landing. Niall was practically jumping in joy and I laughed at how my silly boy behaved.

The flight touched down on the ground and there soon everyone was leaving the aeroplane. Stepping out of the plane, I shivered at how cold London was. We quickly entered the building and warmed ourselves up.

We waited patiently with the conveyer belt and grabbed our bags before finding our chauffeur outside. The lot of us were too tired to do anything. I checked all of us in and we went up to our room. Niall and I were sharing a room, as were Hadley and Liam. Harry had a room all to himself.

I dropped my bags and crawled into the bed and I fell into deep sleep just as my head hit the pillow. We were just trying to sleep off our jet lag.

When I woke up, I was completely wrapped up with Niall, who was softly snoring as he continued sleeping. I brushed his hair aside and continued watching him. His eyebrows twitched and he quickly pulled me on top of him. I squeaked at the sudden movement.

"Hey there," my raspy voice whispered, my low energy showing.

"Hi princess," he smiled sleepily before shutting his eyes and going back to sleep. I didn't find a reason to get out of his hold so I fell asleep on his chest.

When we woke up again for the nth time we realised we'd skipped our dinner. It was 1 in the morning and the two of us were unnecessarily wide awake.

"Are you hungry?" He asked and I nodded. I kind of regret not having lunch now.

"We can order some Maccy's if you don't mind," he said.

"That sounds really good right now," I laughed as he grabbed the phone and called a McD's near by. Half an hour of waiting and mindless chatter later we heard a knock on the door. I walked over and found one of the hotel workers with out bag of food. I thanked her and took our food.

"We've got food," I said, shaking the bag in front of him. He snatched it from me and we both started eating our food. Just a taste was enough to make us realise how hungry I was.

"You look cute," He said randomly.

"Why'd you say that?" I asked as I swallowed the last of my food.

"You almost never wear those glasses. You look fucking adorable," he said and I laughed.

"My glasses are a turn on for you or what?" I asked and he bit down on his lip. I don't think he realises that turns me on.

"Mmm no," he shook his head.

"Oh? Is that it?" I asked, crawling over to him. He was sat cross legged on the bed and I was sitting, facing him.

"If these glasses aren't going to do what I want it to, what's the point of wearing it?" I said and I went to remove it. His hand came up to stop me.

"Keep it on," He said before gripping my hip and turning me over, pushing me down on the bed.

We definitely know how to keep ourselves occupied.

Waking up at 10 in the morning, we went down to have our breakfast. I saw our little group of friends sitting in a table, further back. I placed my plate of food and sat down.

"You guys really need to chill out," Hadley said.

"What do you mean?" I asked, shoving a mouthful of mashed potatoes in my mouth.

"I woke up in the middle of the night to use the washroom and I could hear your little escapade yesterday," Hadley said and I'm sure my cheeks were on fire.

"Is washroom your excuse Hadley?" Niall smirked, looking mischievous.

"Hmm?" She hummed in confusion.

"I heard you two. Don't even try to deny it," he said and it was as if the roles had been reversed. She was a blushing mess.

"And here I am, all single and lonely, wanking myself to sleep," Harry sighed and all of us burst out laughing at Harry's crude mouth.

The rest of the day was spent indoors, doing nothing but eating, sleeping and the occasional talking.

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