Chapter 13

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In honour of a 100 votes, I'll post the next chapter today :) Thank you so much! I love you all like THISSS big hehe

Cheers and much love x


When I opened my eyes everything felt way too bright and I groaned instinctually. I shut my eyes and then noticed the reduced light in my room.

When I opened my eyes the second time my whole body felt sore and my head was a little woozy. I blinked a couple times to get rid of the unclear blur.

Once I could see properly I noticed someone by the bed. It took me probably half a second to blurt out their name.

"Niall," I said but it came it in a broken whisper because my throat seemed to be full of something.

"Don't talk. Wait," He said and bought a glass of water up to my mouth. I sipped on the water and I could feel my throat clear up. I emptied half the glass and moved my face away from it once I was done.

"Better now?" He asked and I meekly nodded.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You were undernourished and dehydrated so you passed out," He explained.

I let out a weak chuckle. "As usual," I said.

"You've been to the hospital due to these reasons before?" He asked.

"No. Not to the hospital. But I've always been schooled on eating and drinking more water since I was in college. Friends, teachers and more recently, colleagues," I said.

"Why weren't you eating? Or drinking water?" He asked.

"No reason. I was very busy and I just forgot," I shrugged.

"I might've known you for a month but I can tell you're lying. Why Ciara?" He asked again.

"No seriously. There's no reason. I had a busy week with the new project. I had to draw up a blueprint for it and I was stressed out over which one to pick. And besides that I've just signed with a new BM company and I was worried if he's going to do well or not. So honestly, it's nothing," I reassured.

He narrowed his eyes on me as if to say he still doesn't believe me but I just smiled.

"I'm fine Niall," I said and let out a chuckle at how caring he is. Someone knocked on the door and Niall let them in

"Ms. Crawford," The doctor said and stepped in.

"Dr... Rowan," I said, reading off of his coat which has his name plastered on it.

"Good eyesight," He chuckled and came closer.

"So I'm assuming this young man must've told you why you fainted?" He asked and I nodded.

"You also have low blood sugar. I'd like you to have some sugary drink right now," He said.

"Don't think I have to worry about that," I said, looking at Niall.

"He makes my hot chocolate everyday," I chuckled.

"That's a good source of sugar. Add some natural sugars as well. Fruits are a good example. Something like a donut would suffice too," The doctor said.

"Other than that, you're fine. You can be discharged," He said.

Once he left, I asked Niall to help me up. He put his arm under my underarm and pulled me up to a standing position. I, being the clumsy girl that I am, stumbled forward. Thankfully Niall was still holding me so I didn't fall. After I was standing I took his help to take a couple steps until I got some feeling back in my feet.

"What's the time?" I asked him. He looked at his watch and back up at me.

"10 AM," He said.

"Niall! Don't you have work?" I asked while trying to fish my phone out of my bag.

"I can take a day off if you're in the hospital," Niall said.

"That's very very nice of you but you probably just lost 500 dollars from being stuck to my side," I said.

"That's over exaggeration. I would've made like at max 100 by now and even that is an exaggerated amount," He said.

"That's still money," I said and rung up Hadley.

"Hey Hadley," I said once she picked up.

"Ciara, where are you?" She asked frantically.

"Sorry. Sorry. I um... I'm in the hospital. Don't worry. I'm fine. I'll come in another hour or two. I'm so sorry. Can you handle everything for a little longer?" I asked.

"You're not going anywhere," Niall said and snatched my phone from me.

"Niall!" I whined.

"Hi Hadley. We probably have never talked before but Ciara's is not coming to work today She'll come from Monday. I'm sorry but please take care of everything today. Thank you," He said and ended the call.

"That was so unnecessary," I groaned.

"Shut up. You just got out of the hospital. You're going home. I'm taking you home. And you're staying in today. You can go to work on Monday. Now, can you get dressed or do you need help?" He asked.

"I can do it," I said and he passed my clothes to me.

Once he left the room I changed into my office outfit which was a salmon pink trousers and blazer with a chiffon white shirt. I kept my blazer aside and just wore the shirt and trousers.

I let Niall back in and he picked up my bag, even though I asked him not to. Once we went to the reception they asked me to sign a few discharge papers. After that Niall left me by the foyer while fetching his car.

He pulled up in front of me and I got into his car.

"What about my car?" I asked.

"It's still at the park. I'll go over with my friend and fetch it for ya. I'm not letting you drive," He said.

"You care too much," I chuckled while he drove me back home.

After we reached back to my home he led me to my room and let me change while he went to go get my car.

"Don't wreck it!" I called out and I heard him laugh.

"Think I can drive better than ya, babe!" He said and left.

I got into my bed and decided to watch a movie to pass time. I turned on the TV and after a few minutes of searching I decided on watching step brothers while waiting for Niall.

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