Chapter 53

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Gosh reading back on old content makes me cringe so hard haha.


Waking up to kisses was probably my most favourite way of being woken up. Opening my eyes slowly, I saw Niall standing over me placing small kisses all over my face.

"Morning my Princess," He said with a beautiful smile.

"Morning lovey," I rasped out. My throat felt a little scratchy after all the screaming and crying.

"I've got breakfast love. I made some sausages and eggs with hash browns. I know you like your toast warm so I'm waiting for you," He said.

"How thoughtful of you. Thank you so much baby," I said with my hand on his cheek. His smile widened and he kissed my forehead.

"Come on. Get out of bed," He said and yanked the duvet away from me.

"Hey! It's fucking freezing in this room," I shivered.

"I'll make it warm. Get out now," He laughed and pulled me out. He wrapped his arm around me as I walked to the washroom and continued to be my own personal heater until I brushed my teeth.

"Ok now get out. I need to pee," I said. He made a face and then left, shutting the door behind him.

When I went down the aroma of freshly toasted bread wafted through the room.

"Mmm smells good," I commented.

"Thank you. I was thinking of adding breakfast to the menu and thought you could try it out first," He said.

"Ooh I'm so special then, aren't I?" I laughed.

"Course you are," He said as I slid into my seat. He served a well put plate of food. "You're my girlfriend."

"You're so adorable. Nice plating," I Said and he thanked me.

After we had our breakfast Niall asked me my thoughts on the dish.

"Everything was so good. Uh the egg could use a little more pepper. And this is just personal preference but I like my bread a wee bit more toasted," I said with my fingers pinched together.

"Oh you could've told me earlier I would've-," I cut him off.

"No no! I liked it, love. It's just a heads up for the next time yeah?" I said and he nodded.

Just after we were done with breakfast Harry entered the house.

"Where were you?" I asked. Niall wrapped himself around me with his head on my shoulder. I cuddled closer to him with a smile on my face.

"Uh... out?" He said with a sly look on his face.

"You're shit at lying Haz. Where were you?" I asked again.

"Well I was on a date," he accepted.

"Nice," I commented.

"With a boy," he added and I nodded.

"Nice," I repeated. He just gave me two thumbs up with an awkward smile before walking further into the room.

"He's finally finding someone aye?" Niall said.

"It's good for him. The two of you needed to find someone. Y'all are getting too old," I commented with a laugh.

"Hey!" He whined.

"I'm kidding baby," I said and turned to face him. I cupped his cheek and kissed him.

"Christmas is tomorrow," I Said and he hummed in agreement.

"What do ya wanna do?" I asked.

"Hmm I want to be home," he said and pulled me closer make me let out a squeak. "And spend time... with my amazing and wonderful and extremely beautiful girlfriend."

"Then that's what we will do," I said and threw my hands around his neck.

The rest of the day was spent with us on the couch, with Harry as well, watching some old Christmas classics along with each of our favourite movies. It was so relaxed and calm which was something I haven't had in so long. My life is always so rushed and organised. I barely take days off and sit back and enjoy life.

Harry went to bed before us and we were still up watching some movies. I was leaning on Niall with my legs up on the couch. He was holding me close by my waist and my head rested on his shoulder.

The movie we were watching had just got over and I was crying a flood after it was over.

"Baby why're you crying?" Niall asked, rubbing my arm comfortingly.

"He didn't deserve to die," I sniffed and Niall laughed.

"He's an old dog darling. He's bound to die," Niall said and my face held a pout.

"They didn't have to show him die," I said, wiping away my tears.

"You're so cute," he said and booped my nose.

"Let's go to bed yeah babe?" He asked and I nodded. We got up and walked into my room. The scent of the vanilla candles Harry got me flooded us as we entered.

"Harry!" I called out, considering I never lit the candle.

"Don't be too loud!" He yelled back and my cheeks flushed.

"On second thought, sleep is overrated, don't ya think?" Niall asked with a teasing smirk on his face.

"I hate you two," I groaned, getting highly frustrated and feeling coiled up.

"But you're not complaining," He said, walking closer to me.

"You're getting too comfortable, Horan," I whispered. My heartbeat quickened when I felt his lips press against my neck. He knew my weaknesses and he knew them well.

His pupils were wide with salaciousness. His hands were roaming all over me, slipping under my shirt and slowly travelling higher. I had to bite down on my lip to avoid making some obscene noise.

"Don't deprive me. Let me hear you," he said, his voice dripping with lust. A small hum was exhaled through my mouth.

"You drive me crazy Ciara," his voice came in a strong whisper. My eyes shut, enjoying his licentious tone.

I've never felt so powerless in my seven years of work. I've always had the upper hand in every situation. I'm always the final decision maker. But with Niall, he didn't even ask for it, I just handed it over without a second thought.

I can only hope we didn't disturb Harry too much that night.

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