Chapter 57

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Two weeks had passed and all of us got back to our work. I have been planning on opening a branch over in London since December. Most of my company is in America and I thought it would be a good idea to start up in Europe as well. After discussing with the board of directors all agreed that it would be good idea, considering the success it has in the states. I had already talked with real estate owners back in London and we agreed on meeting up early next month.

"Hadley, my room please," I called as I walked in. She followed right behind me, closing the door on the way.

"Yes ma'am?" She asked and I laughed at how professional she is.

"Ciara. Or Cee. Don't call me ma'am. Anyway, Uh I need you to book tickets to London and find a good place for us to stay as well," I said.

"Alright. Who all?" She asked.

"Let's make this a getaway. The five of us. I'll ask Ni and Haz. One sec," I said and quickly called Niall.

"Hello?" He said in confused tone. I usually would message him to come up.

"Down for a vacation?" I asked and he hummed in confusion.

"I've got some work in London. Wanna come with?" I asked.

"Umm... I don't know love," he said.

"If it's about the money, don't worry. I'll cut it out of your pay check," I laughed even though I would never do that. I just need him convinced I would.

"It's quite expensive," Niall said, still sounding apprehensive.

"Babyyy," I dragged.

"Darling, you can't do this to me," he groaned.

"For me?" I said and he sighed on the other end.

"Only if I get to pay a portion," Niall worked out a deal.

"Deal," I said, agreeing immediately because I have no idea when he could deny it.

"I'll see you later baby. I love you," He said, bringing a pinky blush to my cheeks.

"Yeah boo. I love you too," I said and Hadley's eyes went as wide as a saucer.

"You what?!" She screeched loudly.

"You heard me. Now shh," I said and called Harry.

"I'm at work hoe. What do you want?" He asked. I could hear the click clack of the computer keys.

"You work for me hoe. You wanna go to London?" I asked and everything stopped on the other end.

"You paying?" He asked and I hummed.

"Is it a paid leave?" He asked and I hummed again. Would be selfish if I cut his pay just so he could come with me.

"Hell yeah! I miss mum and Gem," he said with a sad sigh.

"You can meet them as well then," I laughed.

"Aww! Thank you Cee! I loveee you," He said.

"I loveee you too," I chuckled before ending the call. Hadley had called Liam in the time I was on the phone with Harry and he said he'd confirm it later today.

"So you can book the tickets after you confirm with Liam and uh book some good hotel. For eh a week and a half maybe?" I said and she nodded.

"That's it?" She asked.

"Yeah H. Thank you," I Said.

"Don't thank me for doing my job," she laughed before leaving the room.

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