Chapter 67

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I had to look up SO MANY things for them, because I'm not a Londoner but like, I love these two chapters bye-

(FYI hey angel is literally angelic and too underrated. I said what had to be said.)


Slowly getting out of my sleepy haze I felt small butterfly kisses all over my stomach. I sighed lightly and moved my hand till I found the source of the kisses. I ran my hand through his hair, tugging him up. His smiling face came into view from under the duvet.

"Happy Valentine's Day baby," He said with his cheesy smile.

"Oh! Happy Valentine's Day hun," I said, leaning up to place a quick kiss to his cheek. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth before returning back to Niall. He was sat on the bed and I stood over him with my arms around his shoulder. I bent over and kissed him properly.

"Morning," I said when we pulled back and he laughed.

"Morning to you too princess," He said. The two of us switched from our nightwear to some comfy casual clothes and went down to have our breakfast. I saw our whole group of friends gathered and laughing to something. The two of us sat down and engaged in the conversations.

"You guys have anything planned for Valentine's Day?" Niall asked, shoving a piece of watermelon into his mouth.

"Hmm well I was thinking Hadley and I could go shopping. She's been asking me since we came here," Liam laughed.

"We're just going to stay back. We've celebrated our fair share of Valentine's Day," Bobby said and Maura gave him a sweet smile.

"And you guys?" Hadley asked.

"Oh we haven't-," Niall cut me off before I could finish.

"I've got something planned," Niall said and I looked at him with a little surprise.

"You do?" I asked and he nodded. I just shrugged.

"I have no idea what he has planned but ok," I said.

"I'm actually going over to my mum's place today. I'll be back in two days yeah?" Harry Said.

"Ah really? How is your mum?" I asked.

"She's doing fine. I only come here every once in a while and she's been asking me to come over for a while now," Harry laughed.

"Alright. Well have fun then," I said and he gave me a small nod. After breakfast Niall and I returned to our room.

"So what have you got planned?" I asked, plopping myself down on the bed.

"Hmm you don't need to know. Just get dressed yeah? I'll take care of the rest," He said.

"Very suspicious," I narrowed my eyes on him and he laughed.

"Just being cliche," He said, leaning down and giving me a quick kiss.

I changed into a thick white jumper and my jeans. I pulled my boots over the jeans before leaving the washroom.

"That's mine," Niall said, pointing to the jumper.

"And now it's mine," I said and he rolled his eyes and then let out a giggle.

"Alright, jumper stealer, let's go," he said. Once we had gone down to the lobby Niall whipped out his phone and called someone and talked for a couple seconds before ending it. I was so confused as to what this guy had planned. He pulled me outside where a car was waiting. Niall went around and talked to him before taking the keys from him.

"Are you allowed to drive here?" I asked, climbing into the front seat.

"It's a rental babe," he laughed, starting the car and driving down the road. It seems as though he had the maps of London permanently etched on his mind. He knew the roads by heart.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"You've never been to London before, have you?" Niall asked.

"I mean I've came here once before but I never left the hotel room," I said.

"Uh what kind of trip is that?" Niall laughed.

"Business baby. It was a three day business trip," I said. Honestly I was kind of mad. I actually really love London and I never really get the time to come down and actually have some fun.

"Alrighty then. I'm going to be your tour guide for your day in London," He said in a weird tour guide-y voice and I laughed.

"So where are we off too, Mr. Tour guide?" I asked, leaning over the console with my chin in my palm.

"The best place ever duh. The Buckingham palace darling," He said, gradually becoming more and more British.

"Oh!" I exclaimed. "I've always wanted to see the palace."

"Perfect," He smiled before driving for a while. He parked the car and before I could open the door he asked me not to because today is going to be the 'clichest' day of my life, he said.

"Of course," I laughed. He walked around the car and opened the door before lending me a hand to get out of the car.

"Thank you, kind sir," I said.

"You're welcome, my lady," He said, pressing a kiss to the back of my hand.

"You're so cheesy it hurts," I giggled.

"Well that's what I'm trying to achieve, my love," He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He locked the car and we walked through the crowd and we finally reached the front gates of the Buckingham palace.

"This place is... wow," I gasped out. The palace was stunning.

"I know right? I had the same reaction the first time I saw it," He said, hugging me from behind.

"Can we take pictures?" I asked excitedly.

"Of course princess," Niall laughed before pulling his phone out.

"Pose for me," He said and I struck a couple poses and he clicked a few pictures. I even made him pass his phone to some stranger who happily took our pictures. After half an hour of mindlessly falling while admiring the palace we got back into the car.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"How does the London eye sound?" He asked. I actually screamed in excitement making him laugh out loud at how silly I behaved.

"Oh my god really?!" I asked and he nodded, still laughing.

"This is the best day of my life," I said, making him laugh even more.

"You're so adorable princess," He said, placing his hand on my thigh.

"Thank you?" I said a little confused. How do I answer to that?

The next half an hour was spent talking about how enchanting London is. I just really love the place. My parents didn't care much to take us on trips and I wasn't allowed on any trips to London so obviously this pent up want of going to London since I was a young child just bursts when I finally get the chance.

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