Chapter 52

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FYI: The song exists in this world except it's not a 1D song.


"Get Carter. I don't want to-," my father started but I cut him off.

"Say one thing about Niall and I won't hesitate to kick you out of the country," I seethed and he shut his mouth.

I walked into the room to see Carter on Niall's lap, laughing maniacally at something running on the TV. It immediately put a smile on my face. Niall would make a wonderful father one day.

"Hey guys," I said as I shut the door behind me.

"Hey Cee," they chorused.

"Carter, baby, you have to leave now," I said and he looked like he was about the cry.

"I don't wanna go Cee," He said.

"Why baby?" I asked.

"Mama and papa are so rude to me," he pouted.

"How?" I asked again. They can't be torturing a six year old. Surely they aren't that cruel. Surely not.

"I got a 6 in spelling and papa shouted at me, mama always says I'm a bad boy when I leave my toys out. Only Lara says she loves me," the young boy started crying and Niall's hold around him tightened.

"Hey now. Don't cry. Cee loves you. I love you," Niall said, his eye flickering up to me for a second.

"You do?" Carter asked, still sniffling.

"Of course we do. How can we not? You're such an adorable little boy," I said and played with his hair. Carter let out a cute giggle.

"Come on now. We'll come see you soon ok?" I Said and he nodded.

"Ok Cee," he nodded. Niall and I kissed Carter's cheek once again. I placed him on the ground and led him out.

"Ugh finally," my mother groaned and tugged the boy away from me. Carter looked at me sadly and all I could do was give him a sympathetic smile, asking him to hold on.

"Bye baby," I waved.

"Bye Cee," he waved and blew a kiss to me.

Once I heard my door slam shut I fell back on my couch.

I was so done. Today was a proper mess. I didn't expect this to get as out of hand as it did. I thought I'd be over whatever they did to me but I apparently wasn't. I never liked to shout. It just wasn't who I was. I like to be calm and collected and think level-headedly.

"Princess?" I heard Niall's soothing voice echo through the house. I saw him enter the living room and look at me. He sighed and sat beside me, pulling me to him. I put my head on his shoulder and cuddled closer to him. His hand went around my neck and he placed a small kiss on my head.

My eye welled with tears and he held me tighter. A sob ripped through me. I didn't even know why I was crying. Just everything they'd done to me came back as did all the things I felt during those days. They were some of my worst days and I so desperately wish I could forget them.

"Shh love shh," Niall said, running his hand through my hair. I gripped his shirt and cried harder, soaking it.

"Baby, baby," He said, making me look at him.

"It hurts so bad Ni, so bad," I croaked.

"It's all over, darling. It's all over, baby," He soothed.

"Let's get you to bed yeah?" He said. I got up and walked with Niall to my bedroom. He got into the bed and moved the duvet aside for me to get in. As I got in, he wrapped his arm around me. My head fell on his chest. His heart beat was slow and steady, unlike mine which was erratic.

You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you

You'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want you to

I could feel his chest vibrate as he sang. That, along with the slow caress of his hands through my hair, was quietly lulling me to sleep.

If I let you know, I'm here for you maybe you'll love yourself like

I love you

My eyes felt heavy so I let it take its course. My breathing slowed and the darkness shielded me from the world, letting me escape.

Show Me Your Heart [Niall Horan AU]Where stories live. Discover now