Chapter 32

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I hate myself too. I'm sorry.


Hadley finally came back with my wine.

"Sorry, the bar is ages away," she huffed and sat beside me.

"That's alright," I chuckled and took a sip from my glass.

"Yes Ree! Get drunk!" Zayn cheered.

"Shut up Zee," I commented with my muffled voice.

"Oh right, you guys don't know each other. Hadley, this is Zayn Malik, he's an interior designer and my own personal hell. Zee, this is Hadley Smith, my trusted assistant and close friend. And unlike you she's my own personal heaven," I Said.

"You're mean," Zayn pouted playfully. "Also, hi love. Nice to meet you," He said and reached over me to shake her hand.

"You too Mr. Malik," She said professionally.

"I think you need to drink some more. Loosen up. Call me Zayn," he said coolly.

"Don't hit on her. She's affianced," I chuckled.

"Don't think my girlfriend would like it," he said.

"What?!" I exclaimed in shock, "Since when?"

"Eh maybe five months," he shrugged nonchalantly.

"Zayn! It's been five months and you haven't told me?" I whined.

"Shut up woman, you're a busy lass. I haven't seen you in like three months or something and at that time it was like the initial dating phase," he explained.

"I mean she's got a guy of her own," Hadley said tipsily.

"Hadley! Ok stop now," I said and snatched whatever she was drinking from her before shoving a water bottle to her.

"Did I hear her right?" Zayn asked in surprise.

"No you didn't. I'm not seeing anyone," I shook my head in dismissal.

"Don't lie. Who is it?" He asked. I didn't budge. Of course I wouldn't. But he has a way of being really annoying sometimes.

"I'm not seeing anyone... But I know this guy alright?" I said and he almost let out a squeal.

"Tell me more!" He prodded.

"Umm his name's Niall. He owns a coffee shop. I really don't know what else to tell Zee," I said.

"Picture?" He asked and I sighed and pulled my phone out.

I opened my gallery and tried to find any picture of us. Thankfully I had multiple pictures of Niall. He took my phone and spammed pictures while I was in the washroom.

"Damn he cute," He muttered randomly.

"Careful. Your bi ass is showing too much," I barked with laughter.

"I mean can you blame me? Look at that man, he's like Adonis and Eros put into one-." I cut him off before he got too explicit.

"Ok ok ok stop. I don't need to here you rant about Niall now," I said.

"Anyway tell me about your girl," I said and snatched my phone from him.

Ten minutes later they were calling me up on stage to give my speech.

"Rock on princess," Zayn cheered and blew a kiss.

I just laughed and walked forward and up the stage. Considering it was a charity event and we were collecting money for one of the charities I support personally so I had to give them all a long speech. It was a charity that serves food and basic necessities for people in rural parts of Africa. It's a trust I hold close to my heart. I know how it was to not have enough food. Not to their extent but I've had my struggles.

"Good evening to everyone present here. Let me tell you all a little story before I continue. Two years ago, just around the time I started this trust, I went to Ghana. I wanted to go look at how people there lived. Yeah it was bad but it couldn't have been that bad right? Was the thought I went with. I couldn't have been more wrong. I was in a normal hotel suite but I had one of the locals take me to a more rural part of the city. I wasn't ready fo what I saw. It was heart wrenching," I took a long sigh. It still affects me, what I had seen.

"The people there lived in places that looked like it could crash any second. All of them were so severely undernourished. The kids and infants had all sorts of health issues. One mother cried to me about how she's going to lose her child. Their hospitals were flooded with people of all ages. The doctors voiced their worries about the insufficient supplies and funds for the hospital, that's what urged me to start this," I said and placed my hand down on the podium, my rings echoing through the room with a loud thud.

"This trust's main goal is to raise money enough to feed as many people as we can, give them the proper health care, education and life they deserve. We, as people who have a good life, care about our food, our health and our future. We don't understand the struggles of people living in places like that. When I got a glimpse of their life my issues seemed so minuscule. My problems compared to theirs are nothing," I Said.

"They fight for food and proper care every single day. Battle unfathomable illnesses. Struggle without any sort of medicine to issues we consider measly. We take some medications to avoid simple ailments whereas they die because of the same," I said, a rogue tear rolling down my cheek. I wiped it away with a tissue.

"All I can ask is a little help from you to help these people lead a little better life. I strive to help them and I hope you'll help me in the process. I'd like to end this speech with a vote of thanks to everyone who aided me in my trust. There were so many people who helped me make my dream come true. Some people being my own company who, so kindly, helped me map out the building we are in today. I must also take this time to thank all those who have donated to this trust-," I got cut off by Hadley calling my name.

"Ciara!" She called out and ran towards the podium.

"What? What!" I asked, worried at her mortified expression.

"Niall- niall He-," She panted but passed the phone to me.

"Hello?" I said into the phone and turned away from the podium. "What happened?"

"Ciara. Damn it finally!" Harry yelled into the phone.

"Harry? What the hell happened?" I asked again. I was so confused and worried. "What happened to Niall?"

"He got into an accident," He said morbidly. I dropped my phone in shock.

"Umm Sorry, she's got an emergency," Hadley replied for me and picked my phone up before dragging me off the stage.

She called Mark and he came immediately after. Once we got into the car is when the seriousness of the issue hit me and I started crying. Hadley was trying to console me but I knew if I didn't physically see him alright I would never be able to stop.

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