Chapter 40

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Sooo many things happened,
1- this story hit 1K!
2- it's mah birthday!
So this is like an early quadruple update hehehe. Have fun!


The whole family was practically rejoicing. I stayed out of it and returned home to get some time off.

I took a nice, long shower and changed into my lounge wear. I decided to call Micah because the last time I called him was a week ago. 

"Micah, hi," I said.

"Ciara! Ah how is everything there?" He asked.

"Yeah, he woke up. I'll be back in work in maybe two or three days. Has there been any issues?" I questioned.

"Absolutely not. Everything's running so smoothly. Hadley and I are sharing the office work. I must say though, I have no idea how you do it. Even doing this for one day is tiring," He said and I giggled.

"It's a talent. Anyway, I promise Micah, I'll be increasing your salary overall. You've been such a great help in all this and I must credit you for it," I said.

"Ok ma'am. Thank you. Is there anything else?" He asked.

"No no. Just take care for a few days and I'll be back. I kind of miss working," I laughed.

"Only you Ciara," I could see Micah shaking his head.

"Yeah yeah. Tease me all you want. I'll talk to you later then yeah?" I said and he hummed in agreement.

After getting off the call I got into bed and closed my eyes. Sleep over took my tired body almost immediately.


I was with my family after the longest time. I hadn't seen them face to face in almost seven years so I was soaking in all the moments I had with them.

Thinking of my parents my mind drifted back to Ciara. She brought my whole family from Ireland to America because of me. I don't think anyone would do that.

I looked around the room as much as I could. Everything was a little out of focus for me. I saw Theo on the bed with Greg next to him. Denise was sat next to Greg. Mum and dad were standing on the other side, holding my hand and Harry was sat near the foot of the bed.

"Cee?" I said quietly.

Mum frowned and looked around.

"Where is Ciara?" She asked and Greg shrugged.

"I'll call her," He said and pulled his phone out to call her. His phone was by his ear for a while before he frowned. He pulled it away and tapped his phone and placed it next his ear once again. I was worried because usually Ciara picks her phone up with the first call itself.

I saw Harry try to call her next and he shook his head in confusion.

"Go see. Go see!" I said in a panic. She always has her phone on her and I know she hasn't gone back to work yet.

"Niall. Niall calm down. Ciara is fine," Mum tried to reduce my worries. I shook my head and repeated my broken words.

"I'll go check," Harry said and got up to leave.


I felt someone shaking me. I groaned and turned away from the disturbance.

"Ciara," I heard someone say. I opened my eyes to see Harry hovering over me.

"Thank god. You worried us all," He said and I looked at him in confusion. Why would I worry them?

"Niall wanted to see you so Greg tried calling you and you didn't pick your phone up. Then all of us called you and you still didn't pick your up. Then Niall got panicked and I offered to come and check on you," He said and I chuckled. Only he'd be worrying about someone else when he's the one who was in a coma.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to take a nap and I just slept. I'll change and come over yeah?" I said and got out of bed.

"I can wait," He said.

"No no. You go back. I need to bring my car over anyway," I said and shooed him out.

"You sure?" He asked and I nodded.

"Tell him not to worry," I said as Harry was leaving the room.

Once I was ready yet again I drove back to the hospital. Upon entering I could hear Niall's sigh of relief.

"Where do you think I was going to go huh? I was sleeping silly," I said and sat beside his bed. He quickly grabbed my hand. I laughed and held it tightly in my grip.

"He got so panicked. Anyway, we'll let you guys be. He's got a lot to talk to you," Maura said and pat my back before leaving the room with the rest of the family.

"Hola," I said and he had a smile on his face. "How are you feeling today?"

"Mhm," he hummed.

"Feeling good then?" I asked and he nodded.

"Can you try talking?" I asked. The doctors suggested if he talked every once in a while it would help him talk better. His speech was weak and feeble.

"Yeah," He whispered out.

The next hour was spent talking about trivial things and making sure he hadn't forgotten anything. It was a big worry the doctors had, if he had lost his memory.

"Go to sleep, love," I said when I saw his drooping eyes. I was surprised he was even awake for as long as he was on those pain drugs he's being given.

Once he went to sleep I went out and grabbed myself a cup of coffee and returned back to the room. His thin lips slightly opened and small puffs of air was being exhaled. He was in deep sleep.

I ran my hand through his hair and lowered it to reach his pink cheeks. He's a beautiful person. Inside and out. And that's something that's so hard to find these days. That kind of purity and innocence is what makes Niall, Niall. Something about him just screams niceness. It's just a part of him. Something he's born with. Even knowing this person is such a blessing to me.

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