Chapter Eighteen: Welcome Home

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"Well, how are we going to solve this?" Raiden motions to the entire Jinsei Chamber that's still corrupted. "Good question," Kuai mutters.
"Where is Fujin?" Hanzo asks.
"He's currently finishing the bed frame with (Y/n). I think...he's ashamed to even come in here," Raiden sighs.

"I don't blame him," Kuai says. "But it was the Amulet that made him act that way, not him."
"That's what I keep saying to him. But every time I try to get through to him, he looks like he's about to have a full on breakdown," the Thunder God whispers.

Both Kuai and Hanzo look at each other. "Do you want us to stay here?" They both ask in sync.
"That might be a good idea," Raiden admits.
Both men nod. "We'll stay, mainly for (Y/n)'s sake." Hanzo states.
"Of course," Raiden looks back at the Jinsei pool, his worry growing.
A few days pass without incident, much to Raiden's relief. But they still need to figure out how to get to amulet out of the Jinsei pool.
But it's not like they can just dive in there. Any being with powers will immediately become corrupted when in contact with the liquid.

You would go retrieve it yourself, but Fujin and Raiden forbid you from even entering the Jinsei Chamber. So, in the meantime, you all plan on how to cheer up Fujin.
"What can we do to cheer Papa up?" You ask, sitting at the kitchen table and eating a sandwich.
"That depends," Hanzo begins, sitting across from you.

"What does Fujin like?" Kuai asks you, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Books," you begin, thinking about that brings your father joy.
"Studying the stars, reading, and uh...I don't know what else." You answer.
"What kind of books does he like?" Raiden asks.
"Mainly plays. Older ones. Ones with drama." You recall him reading one called Macbeth, one that he enjoyed, from what you could tell.

"Could we act in a play?" You ask.
Raiden laughs. "And you think I have acting skills?"
"We can try," you say hopefully. They all look reluctant.
"Please?" You beg.
Raiden relents first. "Fine. For Fujin."
"We'll do this once, then never again. For Fujin." Hanzo sighs.
"Sure, why not? For Fujin." Kuai buckles down.

"So, what will this play be about?" Raiden asks, looking at you.
"I'm glad you asked!" You giggle.
"I already regret this," Hanzo groans.
"It'll be a scary one." You say.
"How will it be scary?" Kuai asks.

"One of you will be a ghost, like a murder mystery," you're pretty much jumping up and down in your chair at this point. "How do you know about murder mysteries?" Raiden asks, looking mildly concerned.
"Papa read them to me."
"Of course he did," Raiden sighs.

"Which one of us will be a ghost?" Kuai asks.
You think for a moment.
"Hm...Whoever wants to." You smile.
They all look at one another, still hesitant. This will be interesting.

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