Chapter Twenty-Four: Healing The Earth

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"I've got an idea," Raiden starts, pacing in front of the Jinsei pool. "Go ahead," Fujin nods, leaning against the wall.
"If I remember correctly, water has dissolved Oxygen in it, correct?"
"I think so....?" Fujin mutters, not knowing where Raiden is going with this.
"Hear me out here, what if you used your powers to pull Shinnok's Amulet out?"

"Are you insane? There's no way—" Fujin cuts himself off, thinking this through. "Stars above, that might actually work..."
"Hah, and you say I don't come up with good ideas," Raiden smiles.
"I say that mainly to tease you."
"I can't tell when you're sarcastic, brother."
Fujin smiles genuinely and laughs softly.

Raiden sighs and looks back at the Jinsei, feeling his throat tighten up from unshed tears. "I feel like this is all my fault," he whispers. Fujin looks surprised and worried. "Raiden..."
"Don't try to shift the blame on yourself. I was the one that got the dumb amulet."
"Raiden," Fujin states, more firmly this time. "Brother," his voice softens. "The amulet's influence caused you to take it, nothing more," the God of Wind murmurs. Raiden sighs and nods as Fujin pulls him into a hug.

Back in your room, you sort through the small collection of vinyl records and yawn. You were never big on listening to music, except for the songs Fujin sang to you. But now that you know there's a machine that plays songs? You think that's pretty amazing.

Realizing that you're getting hungry, you end up walking out into the hallway, your purple blanket wrapped around you but still somewhat dragging on the floor. Like usual, the hallways are vacant, the sun shining brightly through the windows.

You enter the kitchen and look around. Nobody else is in the room. Sniffing, you walk to the pantry and open it, wondering what you could get for a snack.
Despite your reading improving, there are still some words that are foreign to you.

You squint at a random glass bottle, the sickness making your vision somewhat hazy. What did the bottle say? Bear? Beet? Beer? You take the bottle and open it. You sniff the dark liquid and wretch, gagging and placing it back on the shelf. Gross.

On the bottom shelf, you find a packet of gram crackers. Chocolate gram crackers. Smiling at your find, you take the entire box and go back to your room. On your way back, you go to the library to get another book.

Back in the Jinsei Chamber, Fujin manages to get the amulet out using Raiden's plan. They both decide to lock the amulet away, mainly so it doesn't get in wrong hands. "I should go check on (Y/n)," Fujin smiles and exits the chamber.

He's surprised to not find you in your room. "(Y/n)?" He calls out, walking down the hallway. Something crunching under his foot makes him jump. He picks up a gram cracker wrapper you had dropped on accident. A few crumbs lead him to the library, where he finds you asleep in a reading chair.

"Aw...Must have gotten hungry..." he picks you up and carries you back. Fujin feels relieved, mainly about the chamber slowly healing, but is still worried about you. He might need to get some medicine from the store in case your cold gets worse.

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