Chapter Four: Light

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(Sleeping At Last - Earth.)
Fujin watches you sleep, but he himself isn't tired. He lets his mind wonder: thinking back to then you were only an infant....

"I still don't understand why you wanted to raise a child, Fujin." Raiden had said, glancing at his brother as he entered through the temple doors. Fujin rocked you in his arms, you being fast asleep. "You know I've always wanted this, brother." Fujin answers back gently. "Earthrealm is safe since Kronika was defeated. I want to relax."
"Relax," Raiden had scoffed. "You are a defender of Earthrealm. We do not get to relax."
"Enough, Raiden. I will not argue with (Y/n) in my arms." Fujin murmured.

Raiden sighed, walking away without another word.
Fujin looked down at you. You're awake now, looking up at him. "Hello, little zephyr," Fujin crooned. "I'm sorry for waking you." He kissed your cheek. Your little laugh made him smile again, tears burning in his eyes.
"You don't know how long I've dreamed of holding you," Fujin whispered sweetly. "How I have longed to see the kind of person you'll become. If Raiden cannot see that, that is his problem. I'm certain he will come around."

Of course, Raiden never does come around the Sky Temple. Not since the last argument.
Holding you close, Fujin falls asleep.
He wakes up, feeling sudden anxiety in his chest, making it hard to breathe. Thunder echoes across the cloudy sky. Feeling uneasy, Fujin gets up, his sword at his side. He walks down the hall, more lightning illuminating the temple briefly.

'Raiden must be angry about something,' Fujin thinks. It only storms this bad if he's mad.
Fujin walks out into the courtyard, hand on the hilt of his blade. He sees Raiden pacing, fuming as red electricity spreads around his arms.

Fujin hides behind a pillar, heart racing as tears burn his eyes. Raiden didn't see him. Fujin is faster and lighter on his feet. Fear eats away at his heart. What about (Y/n)? What if (s)he wakes up?

With a loud clap of thunder, Raiden teleports away. Fujin sighs in relief, then rushes inside. To his horror, he finds Raiden holding you in his grasp. You whimper, frightened. "Raiden," Fujin warns.
"Let go of my (son/daughter). Please."

"You shouldn't have neglected your duties, brother." Is all he says and lets you go. You rush over to Fujin, crying. "If you want to keep (Y/n) safe, leave. I will defend Earthrealm on my own."
Fujin picks you up and runs, leaving Raiden behind. Summoning the wind, he takes you and himself away from the Sky Temple.

The forest changes as Fujin keeps walking. More leaves fall to the ground. You had fallen asleep after crying about "Uncle Raiden being mean."
He wants to explain everything to you so badly, but he knows you won't understand. Not yet.
Fujin has no destination in mind, just to get as far away from the Sky Temple as possible, but also keep away from much civilization.
He holds you close and sits against a tree, then nods off.

He remembers.....
He remembers the first failed baby. The one that didn't form correctly and died before it hit the three month mark. Fujin wept on the obsidian floor of the Hourglass, praying to any higher power to bring his baby back. But the gods didn't answer. He didn't visit the Hourglass for months, afraid to fail again.
But he didn't give up, he just needed time.
And then you formed. He visited more often, keeping track of your growth, growing excited and nervous after you passed the three month mark.
Fujin never told Raiden of the first failure, he didn't want to see his older brother's reaction.
He recalls crying when you fully formed, out of relief and joy and then he got to hold you. That's all he's ever wanted.

Fujin wakes up to the smell of lemon tea. He stirs awake, and blinks. He is in a room of the Shirai Ryu Temple.
"You're awake," Hanzo muses. Fujin sits up as Hanzo walks over with the tea. "Wha...where is (Y/n)? Where is my child?"
"Asleep in the other room. I found you both passed out in the woods and brought you here. I...didn't realize you have a child, Fujin. I'm happy for you, but also worried. You almost never come down to Earth. Is something wrong?"

"I..." Fujin forces himself to be calm. "Raiden has been corrupted by Shinnok's Amulet."
"What?" Hanzo's brown eyes widen.
"He told me to run away. I didn't know where else to go."
"Okay, okay, calm down. Breathe. Sub-Zero will come in the morning once he hears this news."
Fujin nods and forces himself to drink the tea.

"Try to rest more." Hanzo gets up. "The child looks like you," he states, a faint smile on his lips. "I'm certain Satoshi would have gotten along with (him/her)." With that, he exits.

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