Chapter Sixty-Two: Jupiter

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(Lyrics used: Anxiety by Nathan Wagner.)

You wake up in the morning, surprised to see the power has gone out, possibly due to the storm.
Sitting up, you nudge Topaz awake, who stretches and yawns.
Following you like a puppy, you and Topaz walk down the hall once out of your room.

"Morning, Caligula," Augustus smiles at you once you enter the kitchen. Mark and Julius are awake as well, already up and in the room as well.
"Where are the others?"
Antony motions to the note on the fridge. "Your father left a note. Said he was going to the market."

You take the note and read it silently to yourself;
'My dearest (Y/n), we had to run out to the store to buy more food. The power outage has spoiled all of the food in the fridge and freezer. Try to find whatever you can to eat in the pantry. I asked Augustus, Antony, and Julius to watch over you while we're gone. We shouldn't be long.
We love you.
Fujin and Raiden.'

After setting the note down, you walk over to the three men. "Did you all eat?"
"Ah, scraps here and there," Julius says.
"We found some cheese in the...what is it? Fridge? That was still good," Augustus smiles, his English improving more with each day.
"Well, cheese and bread," Antony admits.
"Want me to find you anything else?" You ask.

"No, no, we're fine. We are used to eating a small breakfast. I should be asking the same for you. There must be something in the storage—er, pantry." Augustus corrects himself.
You nod and look in the pantry. Not much is left in there, mainly leftover Pop-Tarts, cookies, uncooked beans and rice, and some juice boxes.

You end up eating a Pop-Tart and drinking juice while Topaz eats any leftover bread scraps.
When Fujin and the others return, the power still hasn't come on, but that doesn't mean you haven't found a way to keep yourself entertained.
You had told the three Romans about your previous plays, and have asked Augustus and Antony's permission to star in your newest one.

Antony is already in his room, practicing the song he wants to sing while dressing for the role.
"What are you all doing?" Fujin asks, a knowing smile on his lips.
"Practicing for a play," Augustus answers, looking through a closet for any scraps of Egyptian silk he can find.

"You convinced them to act in your play?" Raiden almost laughs.
"It helps pass the time," you shrug.
"Well, I'm excited to see this," Kuai smiles at you. "What's it called?"
"Kiasaros, the Roman Pharaoh and his Captive."
"Quite the title," Hanzo murmurs, curious.

"I am excited to see this as well," Bi-Han smiles. Liu nods.
Later, everything is pretty much ready.
Antony walks into the living room first, fake chains rattling on his wrists from plastic cuffs.
A fake Halloween collar is around his throat.

He is shirtless but still wears pants and sandals. His hair is a mess with mascara under his eyes to make him look sleep deprived.
Augustus enters as well, dressed in Egyptian silk, mascara, blue eyeliner and all. He definitely looks the part like his alternate self in the Pharaoh timeline.

You hear Kuai almost choke on his drink at the sight of Augustus. "Calm down," Bi-Han teases his younger brother.
The Alexandrian play begins.
"Marcus Antonius," Augustus begins cooly, following your script word for word easily as he sits on another sofa.
"Dominus," Antony mutters back, keeping his head low.
The Latin word for master, a subtle joke caught by Julius, judging by the slight smirk on his lips as he watches.

"Do you know why I've summoned you here?"
"For punishment?" Antony guesses, flicking his gaze up. "Not necessarily," Augustus smiles, snapping his fingers and motioning Antony to sit down.
Antony walks over to the sofa, following the script.
"No, no," Augustus chides him, smiling with such convincing glee it makes you uneasy.
"Kneel in front of me."

Antony does so. Augustus stands up and walks in circles around Antony. "You are not going to kill me?"
"Why would I do that?" Augustus taunts, still circling the older man. "Kill the most important man in the Roman Legions? We may be in Alexandria, but that does not mean I will parade you through the streets in chains. Well," he pauses, looking at Antony's fake chains with a twist of disgust.

"Not anymore than you have now," he finishes, placing his hand under Antony's chin, forcing him to look up. You didn't realize how good they both are at acting. Even Fujin and Raiden look impressed.
"No, you shall remain here."
"Then why not kill me?"

Augustus almost laughs. "Why? Because you spit in my face and named Caesarion heir." He tilts his head, staring at Antony with that same eerie stillness he used on Cleopatra so many years ago. Antony doesn't have to fake looking intimated.
"Now," Augustus kisses Antony's forehead once, then leans back on the sofa, "go get me some honey water. You know I am susceptible to sunstroke. Be quick."

Antony stands up and goes to the kitchen, messing around with your plastic toy cups and dishes, pretending to find a suitable glass.
Breaking character, Augustus watches with amusement as Antony starts to sing the song he's practiced:

"You take all my energy you—
Taunt me til my wrists are bleeding.
Wish I was stronger, had some peace—
I'm just a slave to you." He finds the right cup and sets it on the counter.

"Every moment you are reaching,
For my throat, I'm barely breathing.
Tortured memories got me sinking,
I'm just a slave to you.

And look at all the things you've stolen.
Every time you've made me frozen.
I hate everything about you..."
He happens to glance at you all watching with happiness, then flicks his gaze to Augustus.
Smiling, Augustus raises an eyebrow, urging him on.

"Shouldn't have to be this way,
Constant panic, constant pain.
I hate everything about you.
Constant struggle every minute,
I take one step you start medaling.
Puppeteering take me over.
I'm just a slave to you.

Give you the reins on all decisions.
You got me cornered, I can't pivot.
Feel so worthless, see you grinning...
I'm just a slave to you.
And look at all the things you've stolen,
Every time you've made me frozen.
I hate everything about you.

Shouldn't have to be this way,
Constant panic, constant pain.
I hate everything about you.
Sinking further in your ocean,
Reach for shore but waves keep forming.

Falling faster, you love to torture.
Well here's to one last fight to sever.
Oh, this bottled up rage inside—
Starts to light up in flames tonight." He fumbles for the glass and drops it, following the script.
Getting back into character, Augustus storms over angrily. Then his anger turns to malicious glee, grabbing Antony by the slave collar and being the one to sing the last verse:

"Oh, I'm looking you in the eye,
You're so sick, you look paralyzed.
Feel this power rush through my veins,
As this milestone, it separates.
I link it to your neck I—
Watch you sink, I catch my breath.
Sinking closer to your glory,
Silver shores take every worry.
See you beaming, lost in wonder.
All my anxious thoughts, they slumber..."

They stare at one another for a few tense moments.
"You dare," Augustus whispers, tightening his grip on the collar, "sing of your hatred for me? After everything I've done for you?"
"D-Dominus—" Antony stammers. "By Jupiter's Stone, have mercy."
Augustus exhales and lets him go, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You are lucky I am merciful, Marcus Antonius."

Antony instantly gets on one knee and bows his head.
"Thank you."
With that final line, the play ends. You would have come up with a more solid ending, but that's when Fujin and the others got home.
Almost on cue, the lights finally come back on.

Smiling, Augustus holds his hand out for Antony.
"Quite the performance," Marcus smiles back, grabbing his hand and standing up. "You did good as well, considering how fast the script was written."
"I liked it," Bi-Han admits. Hanzo and Liu nod in agreement.
"That stare he gave Antony," Kuai sighs, fanning himself. "He is like a viper about to strike."

"Try telling that to Augustus," Bi-Han laughs.
"I shouldn't. Besides," Kuai looks at the two men. "He clearly loves Antony."
'Agrippa,' you correct Kuai in your mind. 'He loved Agrippa..but I don't know if he'll ever love anyone romantically again.'

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