Chapter Thirty-Six: Nestling

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(Quick note: this chapter will mainly be flashbacks of Fujin raising (Y/n) when (s)he is still a baby. This will be from Fujin's point of view.)

My sleep has been broken by (Y/n) crying again. Three weeks have passed and I still am not used to (him/her) crying so much. Groaning, I force myself out of bed and walk over to (his/her) crib, which is in my room for now. "Hey," I whisper, picking (Y/n) up gently and holding my (son/daughter) close. "What's wrong, hm? Are you hungry? Or do you just want to be held?"
(S)he soon quiets down.

"Guess you wanted to be held," I yawn, using my free hand to smooth back my messy hair from getting in my eyes. I rub (his/her) back gently, pacing my room. "You would have had a sibling, you know..." I murmur, holding (Y/n) close to my chest. "They would have been two by now. I never found out the gender of your sibling, but I still miss them everyday. Wondering who they could have been. How you would have grown up together," I heave out a sigh, getting in bed.

Gently, I lay (Y/n) on my chest, arms loose around (his/her) small body. (S)he fusses a little bit. "Shhh. It's okay, my little Prince(ss). I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere," I whisper.
About two months pass without much incident. (Y/n) still sleeps in my room in (his/her) crib, but is more of a sound sleeper. Over the years of being alive, I have gathered a large collection of books that are kept in the library. I also read that infants don't eat solid food until about six months, so I have to keep making formula.

"Okay..." I sigh, sitting in bed with a recipe book on baby formula. "Let's see what we got here..."
My (son/daughter) is currently sound asleep across from my bed, which is giving me some relief.
I read off the ingredients quietly:
"2 cups of whole raw cow's milk
¼ cup of homemade liquid whey
4 tablespoons lactose
¼ teaspoon of bifidobacterium infantis
2 or more tablespoons of good quality cream
½ teaspoon of unflavored high-vitamin fermented cod liver oil
¼ teaspoon high-vitamin butter oil (optional)
1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon of sunflower oil
2 teaspoons of coconut oil
2 teaspoons of nutritional yeast flakes
2 teaspoons of gelatin
1-⅞ cups of filtered water
¼ teaspoon of acerola powder...."

I let out a low whistle. "Yeesh, that's a lot of ingredients. Well, it's not like I can give (Y/n) milk with my body, so...." I sigh and sit up, arranging my hair in a messy braid and walk to the crib.
With a yawn, I look down at my child. Still sleeping peacefully. "How are you so cute?" I question to (him/her), knowing (s)he can't understand me yet.
"You're so...small, so delicate...I used to have the same nickname for you and your sibling, you know, before I found out your gender. The nickname: Starburst.." I reach down and place the blanket over (him/her) again. "You're innocent, kind of like how I was, eons ago. Makes me wonder if this is how Raiden saw me...If so, I don't remember..." I laugh a little, more to myself.

"I suppose I'll never really know that answer, unless he says it to my face. But I doubt he will, he was never one to talk about the past." I frown, wishing Raiden was here to help. I make the small mobile above (Y/n) spin, the plush planets made to look like the Solar System moving slowly, the music box playing its little tune gently.

Somehow not feeling sleepy at all, I grab the recipe book and exit the room, leaving the door open incase (Y/n) cries. Like always, the Sky Temple's halls are quiet, the windows showing it is nighttime. The sky is clear tonight, the sight taking my mind off the stress for a bit. Leaning against the wall, I look outside. "I just..." my voice is quiet in the large space. "Pray that you'll live a long and happy life, (Y/n), my Starburst."

Guardian: Fujin and Child Reader (Mortal Kombat) Where stories live. Discover now