Chapter Five: New Faces

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(Vs Bi-Han)
Bi-Han: "Darkness consumed Raiden's soul."
Fujin: "He was corrupted by Shinnok's evil."
Bi-Han: "Not even you are immune."
Fujin sighs, looking down at the tea, which is now lukewarm. Watching the tea leaves float in his mug, he thinks back to another memory.
No matter what Fujin did, you wouldn't stop crying. He had fed you, changed you, and made sure you were okay. But you still continued to cry. He was stressing out, the lack of sleep creating horrible bags under his eyes.
He got so stressed that he began crying. He remembers setting you in your crib and walking away, knowing you'd cry yourself out.
But he still felt terrible. His hair was a mess, eyes bloodshot. Ten minutes. He left you alone for ten minutes while he sobbed in the other room.
When he came back, you had cried yourself to sleep.
Fujin didn't feel as bad, but he promised to always comfort you if needed.

Tears splashing into his mug snaps him out of the memory. He sets the mug down and gets out of bed, then goes into the hallway. Fujin finds you quickly, asleep in the room next to his. He sighs in relief, walking over and placing the blanket back over you.
"This isn't how I wanted you to be introduced to Earth," he whispers, feeling tears flood his eyes again.

He lets you sleep and goes back out into the hallway, crying silently.
You wake up to the smell of food close by. Opening your eyes, you catch the glimpse of a person walking down the hall beyond the thin sliding door.
You suddenly realize how hungry you are and look down at the tray of food.
Fried rice with vegetables and tea.

Thankful to whoever delivered this, you begin eating. The sliding door opening again makes you look up.
Fujin enters, along with another man dressed like a samurai.
"It's all right," the man murmurs, keeping his distance. "I'm not going to hurt you. I am a friend of your father's."

"Where are we?" You ask timidly. "What's wrong with Uncle Raiden?"
"You both are at the Shirai Ryu Temple. You're safe here. As for Raiden...." the man trails off, looking at your father.
You've never seen Fujin look so sad before.

"Raiden, wants to be alone right now, (Y/n)."
"Huh? What's wrong with Raiden, Papa?" You ask, feeling a sob build up in your throat.
"He's sick..."
"And we can't talk to him?"
Fujin shakes his head. "If I talk to him, you'll need to stay here," he murmurs, kneeling down and kissing your cheek.

"Okay," you reply sadly, finishing your food.
"Hanzo, Fujin?" All three of you look over.
Another man stands as the doorway, mainly dressed in blue, and has a scar over his eye.
The man looks at you, blue eyes flashing in surprise.
"Hello, Kuai," Hanzo nods in greeting.

"You weren't lying," Kuai looks between you and Fujin.
Hanzo nods sadly and walks out with Kuai, leaving you two alone. They close the door and walk off.
Fujin sighs, rubbing his eyes. He holds you close, rocking you slightly. You don't know if he's doing it more to you or to reassure himself.

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