Chapter Nine: In My Dreams....

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(And So My Heart Became A Void - Ursine Vulpine and Annaca.)
In my're the one stuck here.
In my're the one sobbing on the floor, grieving a child who never got the chance to live.
In my dreams.... you're the one that stayed corrupted, letting the Amulet's toxic words flood your mind.
Wake up.
Raiden wakes up abruptly. He sits up, fingers grazing his neck. It felt like someone was trying to strangle him. Worried, he goes over to check on you in your room. You're sleeping peacefully, snuggled under the blanket.
Feeling relieved, he goes back to bed.

"(Y/n)..." You wake up, then look around. Where did that voice come from? The window to your room is slightly open, letting some air in. "(Y/n)," the somewhat familiar voice repeats, "come outside, my little zephyr."
Now you recognize that voice. It's papa, but he sounds....more sad.

The window to your room opens more with a gust of wind, revealing the dark forest outside. You see Fujin standing at the edge of the forest, looking normal, save for the golden amulet on his chest, securing a black and red cloak.
He kneels down and motions you to come over, a faint smile on his lips.

You glance over to the door, then back to the window. The window is low enough for you to climb through....
Deciding to chose the easy route, you go through the window. Smiling, Fujin summons the wind again with a flick of his wrist, making a leaf brush against your cheek affectionately.

Laughing, you run over and welcome his hug. "I've missed you," he whispers, holding you close. "I missed you too," you smile, looking up at him. His face is mainly obscured by the hood, but you can see his eyes. Did his eyes just flicker to red, or are you imagining things?
He peppers your face with kisses, making you laugh again.
"We're going home," he murmurs.
"What about uncle? Can he come with?"
You feel his grip on you tighten slightly, but not enough to hurt you.

"No, not yet, my child. He'll have to come to us." He explains simply, carrying you in his arms. You relax in his grip, nodding off as you listen to his heartbeat.

You wake up back in your crib, wrapped in your favorite purple blanket. Yawning, you look up at the starry painted ceiling that is your room. Fujin is suddenly hovering over your crib, a majority of his figure blocking out the glow-in-the-dark stars. He smiles, then picks you up.

Still in the blanket, he holds you close. "Here," he holds out something small in his free hand. "Eat this..."
"What is it?" You ask, grabbing the small brown treat. "A chocolate truffle. A welcome home treat."
You thank your father and eat the small delicacy with delight.

When you are asleep again, Fujin sets you back down after kissing your forehead. "Sleep..." he whispers, tucking you in. That truffle was laced with children's sleeping medicine, so you won't wake up during the ensuing fight.
Fujin exits your room and goes out to the balcony overlooking Earthrealm.
"Let them come..." he snarls, eyes blazing red now that you can't see his corruption taking over his heart.

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