Chapter Fifty-Six: Family Reunion

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(Image: Marble bust of Julius Caesar.)

Once brought back to life, you didn't realize Antony would be so burly. Then again, seeing his skeleton should have been an obvious clue.
It took a few weeks to find out exactly where Antony was buried, since the tomb had been hidden for over 2,000 years.

Like Augustus had planned, both you and Fujin leave the tomb before Antony can awaken, having him only see Augustus. Neither of you tell the former Emperor this, but you also plan on bringing Julius Caesar back from the grave as well. You figured it would be the best gift to give to Augustus, since his birthday is fast approaching.

Choking on sand, Antony startles awake and coughs.
He blinks a few times and stares at Augustus, who looks back in return.
"Octavian?" Antony rasps, eyes wide.
Augustus nods silently, then holds his hand out.
"Welcome back, Antonius," he murmurs.
"W-what? How...?" Antony sputters, slowly getting up, his stab wound healed completely, leaving no scar.

"The Gods have granted you a second chance at life," Augustus explains simply. Telling Antony that he was revived by a child would be unbelievable, so Augustus goes more in favor of the Gods.
At his full height, Antony is obviously taller, Augustus' full height being at Antony's shoulder.

Still dressed in his commander outfit, Antony is a stark contrast to Augustus' thin toga.
"But why?" Antony asks.
"I cannot say," Augustus murmurs.
"What about Cleopatra?" Antony demands, distraught.
Turning, he rushes to the tomb he was just in minutes before, then cries at seeing his lover's bones.

Augustus watches on silently. "Why wasn't she chosen as well?" Antony sobs. Slowly, he walks over and places his hand on Antony's shoulder.
"Come with me, Mark. A lot has changed since we've been gone."
Over the weeks, Fujin and Raiden have slowly been teaching Augustus English, so he can at least communicate with the others a little easier.

About a week before leaving for Egypt to get Antony, both Augustus and Kuai had spoken late into the night over tea. "There is something I still don't understand," Kuai says slowly, easing Augustus into English more without Fujin being a translator.

"What is it?" Augustus asks, equally as slow, with a strong Latin accent. "You said Antony used to bully you, tease you. Could he have been crushing on you?"
"Crushing?" Augustus echoes, confused.
"Ah, well, it's like...having feelings for someone. The teasing could have been a sign he likes you."

"But he hated me. He loved Cleopatra very much," Augustus frowns, deep in thought.
"Maybe he was only with her in order to continue his bloodline. Think about it."
"I will," Augustus nods, deep thoughts behind his blue-grey eyes.

So here both Romen men are now, looking at one another.
Antony: tall, bulky, broad shoulders with dark curly hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin.
Augustus: shorter of stature, somewhat pale, skinner but still has muscle, with blondish brown hair and light eyes.
The rest of you are already asleep.

The journey back to the Sky Temple had been quiet.
More comfortable in Latin than Greek, Augustus begins, "It is good to see you, Antonius. I am glad you decided to join us."
"Because I have nowhere else to go," Antony adds stubbornly. "And because I want us to reconcile, put aside our differences. No more wars, no more fighting. That was ages ago. We need to move on," Augustus adds calmly.

Antony looks conflicted. "What about my children, Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios?"
"They were raised by Octavia on my orders. That is all you need to know."
"How dare you," Antony stands up abruptly, towering over Augustus.
The former Emperor stares back without a flicker of emotion.
"Would you rather I had them die? I should be saying the same, since you stated Caesarion was the true heir," he snaps coldly, his usually soft and sweet voice hardening with barely contained anger.
Antony visibly flinches, not used to Augustus flaring his anger directly at him. He doesn't realize how much power Augustus had after Antony died.

Exhaling, Antony sits back down. With a sigh, Augustus rubs his face, visibly stressed.
"I'm sorry," Antony murmurs.
Augustus looks up.
"I said I'm sorry. You were right, we shouldn't fight. What's done is done," he admits, holding his hand out and his expression softening. "Let's start over."

Reluctant, Augustus moves his arm and grips Antony's hand in his. A slight smile tugs on Augustus' lips, surprising the older man. He's never seen Augustus smile before, especially not at him.
With the new year passed and Augustus' birthday arriving in September, you can only think of one ultimate gift for him: bringing back his father Julius Caesar. While Augustus and Antony adjust to living in the Sky Temple, you, Raiden, and Fujin find out where Julius' ashes are. They're back in Rome, close to where Augustus was revived.

You three end up leaving for Rome again, leaving Kuai, Hanzo, Bi-Han, Liu, and Topaz to watch Augustus and Antony. This is mainly for safety reasons. If anything, both Romans act more like curious children, especially with technology.
The trip itself took about a week, with Fujin explaining who he is to Julius, and how it was the Gods' will he was brought back.

Much like when Augustus was brought back, Julius is alarmed at the lightning teleportation from Raiden. Smiling, Fujin rushes into the Sky Temple to tell them about the surprise.
Julius Caesar himself is tall, about the same height as Antony, with greying hair and dark eyes. You can definitely see some similarities to Augustus, since they're blood related.

Fujin already told Julius that Mark Antony and Augustus are alive, but the same hasn't been told to them. Both Mark and Augustus blink at the sunlight once they get outside.
"By the Gods..." Antony gasps.
Augustus' breath hitches. "Father?"

Julius nods, close to tears as well. "Octavian, Mark. Look at you both, how you've grown.."
Augustus blinks a few times, already crying, then rushes up to hug his relative. Antony rushes over as well, not believing his eyes.
The rest of you watch from the sidelines.
"I think we did good," Fujin murmurs at you.

You smile and nod, the three Romans talking too fast in Latin for you to understand. "Should we cook them dinner?" Raiden asks. "Yeah, make it a birthday dinner," Hanzo nods. "I think they'd like that."
"Let's get started, then," Liu grins.

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