Chapter Fifteen: Trapped

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Well...It turns out that waiting in Fujin's room is a lot more boring than you expected. It doesn't help that he wrapped you in such a way that it's hard to escape.
But, after enough wiggling around, you become free. Still sitting up in bed, you look out the window.
It's still cloudy. Might even have a storm coming.

While thinking about what to do next, you're distracted when Fujin comes back in. He looks dry now, and smiles at you, but not warmly.
"Now, how did you get out of the bundle I wrapped you in?" He says this teasingly, making you blush in shame.
"I'm sorry, Papa."
"Don't be, my darling," he smiles, walking over and wipes away a tear that slipped out. "You've always been a curious little dove. Always wanting to fly out of your cage. But I can't have my little dove fly out of (his/her) cage with a broken wing, now can I?"

He says this all sweetly, like the corruption only exacerbated his overprotective side a lot more.
"Can I see uncle?"
"No, no, sweetheart." He kisses your face a few times gently, calming you somewhat. "Raiden is time out. Here, let me get you something to eat."
You realize how hungry you are and nod.

After eating, you're taken back to Fujin's room.
"Are you going to leave, dad?" You ask.
He pulls you into a hug. "I will not leave you. Not again, (Y/n)." His fingers go through your hair gently.

You notice your father's hair...appearing to get darker. It looks more dark grey now, not silver white like yours. The tattoo on his shoulder also changed. It looks less vibrant, glowing faintly.
Something is changing your father, and you don't know how to stop it.
You wake up in the middle of the night, suddenly anxious. Fujin is still asleep beside you, turned the other way.
After watching Fujin to make sure he is asleep, you get out of bed slowly and walk down the hall.

The Sky Temple is colder the further you get away from the fireplace in Fujin's room.
Even though you've lived in the temple your whole life, you never explored every inch of the entire place.
You end up going into Raiden's room, hoping he'd be there, but to no avail.

Raiden didn't...just leave, did he?
No, that wouldn't make any sense. You exit Raiden's room and go over to the door leading to the Jinsei Chamber. The doors to the chamber are still closed.
The doors are heavy, too heavy for you to push open. That, and the fact that you are only five.

"Uncle?" You call out, then close your mouth. Could Fujin have heard you call out for Raiden? Could he wake up?
"(Y/n)?" Raiden's voice is muffled by the door. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you, but...papa wouldn't let me."
Raiden remains silent.
"Are you okay?" He finally asks, sounding worried.

"I'm okay. Papa is asleep."
"(Y/n), listen to me," Raiden sounds serious. "You need to leave. Your father isn't acting right. I would teleport out of here, but I'm too weak. Try to find either Kuai or Hanzo."
"Why isn't papa acting right?" You ask.

"It's...complicated, honey. If you can't leave now, try to as soon as Fujin is distracted. For now, just—play along with whatever Fujin is doing. I know he would never hurt you." He sounds sad.
"Okay." You nod, fighting back tears.

You walk down the hall, unable to sleep.
"(Y/n)?" Fujin's voice makes you jump. Turning around, you see him standing at the end of the hallway, his red eyes and dark grey hair standing out more in the darkness.
"What are you doing up, hm?"
"I got thirsty," you lie to him for the first time.

He smiles slightly. "I'll get you some water. Come back to bed, sweetheart. It's the middle of the night." You force yourself to smile and walk over. Tomorrow, you'll see if you can escape tomorrow night.

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