Chapter Fifty-Two: Ghost

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(Image: Marble statue of Caesar Augustus dressed as a High Priest.)

With each passing day, you have marked off another spot on your calendar hanging in your room.
It's about two weeks until Christmas when you go to the Hourglass again to see your friend.
Like last time, Augustus is happy to see you, waiting for his guards to exit before he can acknowledge your presence.

"Hello, little dove," he murmurs, voice light. "Any important news?"
"We'll get to see you soon," you say excitedly.
"Truly?" His blue eyes brighten at this.
"Then I'll finally get to show you Rome fully. Perhaps even take you and your father out to eat. I know a few good places we can dine at," he grins.

You can hardly believe it; getting to meet Fujin's old friend in the flesh soon, not realizing the heartbreak soon to follow.
"I'll have a present for you once you arrive," Augustus states, sitting down on the side of his bed. "You like jewelry, do you not?"
"I do."
"Then this will make the gift more meaningful," he smiles, digging through his bedside table drawer.

"Where did I put it...? Ah, here we are," he pulls out a simple necklace, a silver crescent moon shape attached to a black cord. You've never owned any jewelry before, so it instantly catches your eye.
"Ooo, pretty."
"I'm glad you like it. All the children in Rome usually wear one of these, to protect them from evil. I figured you will need one once you get here."

"Thank you. Could I draw you a picture? I'm getting better."
"Whatever suits you, (Y/n)," he nods, putting the necklace away.
Finally, the big day comes and you're in your room, packing a small suitcase. Only you, Raiden, and Fujin are going on the trip. Bi-Han, Hanzo, Kuai, Liu, and Topaz all stay behind, mainly to watch the temple.

"Make sure to feed her," you remind the fighters before you all leave.
"We know," Liu muses, motioning to the small list of instructions you had written down in crayon and put on the fridge.

"She'll be safe with us," Hanzo assures you gently.
You hug them all goodbye one by one, even Bi-Han, who is startled by this, but hugs you back all the same.
"I'll bring you all back something neat!" You promise them.
"How much do you want to bet it'll be a keychain?" Bi-Han smiles, crossing his arms as you rush out to meet Fujin and Raiden outside.

"Or a T-shirt," Hanzo laughs.
"Or maybe even a piece of marble," Liu jokes.
"Or a Roman Emperor?"
They all stare at Kuai like he's crazy.
Bi-Han sighs and places his hand on Kuai's shoulder.
"Kuai, uh...all of the Roman Emperors are dead."
"Oh," he blinks, realization kicking in hard. "Oh..." He suddenly thinks about you, the pieces falling into place.
"Oh no...(Y/n) thinks Augustus is still alive."
Hanzo sucks in a sharp breath, worried.
"Oh dear," Liu pales.
Raiden ends up teleporting the three of you out on a barren field, away from the people.
"Whoo!" You run around the two Demigods, startling Raiden and making Fujin laugh.
"Again! Again! Teleport again!" You whoop.
"I can't do that too many times, (Y/n)..." Raiden gasps, hands on his knees.

You skid to a stop once you tire out and get your bearings. After Fujin helps Raiden catch his breath, he picks you up gently.
"Calm down, my love. We'll get to explore soon enough," he reasons with you.

Dressed in regular clothing to blend in, the three of you enter Rome and walk around.
"Was wearing a hat necessary for me?" Raiden asks.
"Yes, so we can hide our white hair," Fujin explains.
You end up wearing a sweater with the hood up, mainly to hide your hair and due to the December chill.
It starts to snow a little bit as you all walk down the main road.

You're the one to see the bronze statue first. Even though it's rusted from years out in the weather, you recognize the face all the same.
"Augustus!" You rush over to the statue once Fujin sets you down.
"That's quite the statue," Raiden admits.
"Indeed," Fujin murmurs sadly, crossing his arms. "I remember when they first carved out this statue, having Octavian pose in his armor..." he keeps his voice low, even though you're too distracted to listen.

Barefoot and in armor with a flowing cape, the statue looks out at the horizon, right arm outstretched as if he is motioning to an army.
You think it looks amazing, despite the rust and weathered down look.
"Still strange to think he could see (Y/n)," Raiden notes as you all keep walking.
Fujin nods, not knowing what to say.

"What's this place?" You point to a stone building shaped like a cube, looking like it has recently been repaired. "It's a burial sight," Fujin informs you.
"Can we go look?"
Reluctantly, he nods.
Not knowing much about the concept of death, you excitedly rush in.

You end up underestimating how large the tomb is, and quickly get lost. That's when you find Augustus' tomb. Well, more like his plaque stating his accomplishments.
Dismayed, you scan the stone slab over, hardly believing your eyes.
Augustus is dead.
He's been dead for well over 2,000 years.
You've basically been talking to a ghost.

No, no, that isn't right. He can't just be dead, right?
You're crying before it fully hits you.
"Augustus?" You croak to the stone.
No answer.
Something stirs inside you. Determination, maybe.
"Bring him back," you whisper to the stone, sitting under the slab.
"By the Elder Gods, bring him back..."

At the Hourglass, since you are spiritually connected to it, hums to life, the sand within it swirling.
"I just want him here. Bring him back, as he once was. Please."
At first, you mistake a dust cloud as having gotten into the tomb, but no. It's not dust. It's buried ash rising to the surface.
You yelp in alarm and jump back, not realizing this is your doing.

Fujin is suddenly grabbing you.
"(Y/n)!" He looks startled at the rising ash as well. "What...?"
Raiden rushes in as well and nearly crashes into both of you. "What is that?"
You shake your head, not knowing the answer.
With a swirl of dust, the ash forms back into Augustus, wearing the robes he was cremated in.

Since he is brought back to life with the Hourglass, he looks younger than the age that he died, more into his mid 20s than 70s.
Unconscious, he's lowered to the floor gently.
With a low hum, the Hourglass powers down, fulfilling your plea.
" that possible?" Fujin whispers.
"I don't know," Raiden shakes.
With a sharp gasp, Augustus wakes up, blue eyes wide.

The man once known as the first Emperor of Rome sits up and sees the three of you frozen in place.
He blinks a few times, getting his bearings.
"Fujin?" His voice is weak, trembling a little.
He is dressed similar to what you always remember him wearing, a purple toga with a white sash slung over his shoulder.
"Yeah," Fujin whispers in his best Latin. "It's me."

Slowly, Augustus gets up and rubs his head.
He looks at you and smiles shakily. "Hello, (Y/n)."
"You're here," Raiden still can't believe his eyes. "You're alive."
"And starving," Augustus answers honestly, voice still weak.
"H-how do you feel?" Fujin asks, grabbing his arm to steady him.
"Like I just woke up from an incredibly long nap," he answers honestly.

"We should get him back to the Sky Temple," Raiden murmurs. Augustus looks confused. Raiden is speaking in English, a language the Roman doesn't know.
That's when you realize you've never spoken to him in English, only Latin. Fujin never taught you Latin, so how could you speak it so fluently?
Fujin quickly translates, struggling a little since he hasn't spoken the language in so long.

"Could I at least see Rome, for a little while?" He asks.
"Of course," Fujin smiles, still a little stunned.

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