Chapter Twenty: Adventure

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You wake from your dream, disappointed that you couldn't see more. You grab the small sketchbook from your bedside table and draw both Kuai and Hanzo from memory. "What are you doing, sweetling?" You look up to see Fujin rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and smiling in a tired way.

You glance out the window to see it's still nighttime.
"Drawing," you answer. He smiles and walks over, looking down at your half-done work.
"Did you dream of Kuai and Hanzo as ghosts and dragons?" He asks. You nod. "Cute. I can show them in the morning, if you'd like."

You nod excitedly. Fujin laughs softly, looking tired but happy. He kisses your cheek. "Get back to sleep, darling. It's the middle of the night." With that said, he exits your room and closes the door gently.
After setting the drawing aside, you fall back asleep and pick up right where you left off.
You stare into the fire that Hanzo had made, eating some charred meat the dragon-human hybrid managed to hunt down.
Kuai, being a ghost, can't eat anything, so he simply hovers next to you and looks at the flames.

Hanzo himself is eating like, well, a dragon. Ripping into the flesh of the deer he hunted, eating the meat raw. Blood stains his mouth, teeth, and gets stuck between the black scales on his talons. Tail lashing, he rips apart another morsel from the carcass with his teeth.
He pauses when he sees you both staring. Spitting out a small bone, he wipes his mouth, which only smears more blood on his face. "What?"

Neither of you say anything, you just keep eating silently. "Neither of you have seen a Draconic Humanoid eat before?" He asks. You shake your head no.
"Well, count yourselves lucky," Hanzo shrugs, licking the blood off his claws. You realize now that he has a forked tongue.

After eating and cleaning himself in a nearby stream, Hanzo looks tired. "I am going to sleep. Neither of you bother me until the sun rises, got it?" You both nod.
Hanzo nods back and exhales a stream of fire onto the ground in a circle and lays down, smothering the embers.
He curls up similar to a dog sleeping and falls under almost instantly.

"You going to sleep?" You ask Kuai. He shakes his head no. "Ghosts don't sleep," he explains, hovering down to sit next to you.
"How did you die?"
Kuai sighs, looking down at the ghost chains that rattle whenever he moves. "My own father kept me prisoner in his castle. Said he owned me like some pet, but rarely gave me food. I died from hunger and he left my body out here to rot. My brother, who lives in a different castle, doesn't know I'm dead. If he did, he would probably start a war, with him being a king and all...." He shakes his head and sighs.

"What I wouldn't give to see him again. Just one last time, and then I can pass on."
"Maybe I can help," you offer.
"You?" He smiles sadly. "I thank you for your kind offer, little one, but my brother's castle is halfway across the continent."
You look back at the fire, pondering Kuai's words.
The three of you keep walking, not talking much.
"I just realized," Kuai begins, floating along at a steady pace. "We never asked you your name," he murmurs.
"True," Hanzo realizes, stretching his wings and walks backwards to face you. "What's your name, sweetling?" Hanzo's voice is softer as he asks you this.

"(Y/n)," you answer. Both older beings glance at each other. "You are The Seer's child?" Kuai asks, eyes wide.
"Huh?" You squeak out.
"Hold on," Hanzo snaps, tail lashing like a whip. "This scrawny child is The Seer's offspring? No, I heard legend of The Seer's child having died long ago. I don't believe it."
"But (s)he shares the same name, and has the same white hair." Kuai insists.

Hanzo snarls at Kuai, making the ghost stop and float in the air in fear. "I'll believe it when I hear The Seer say so himself." Hanzo huffs, then looks back at you. "(Y/n), was it? You look sincere in your response, so I can't say you lie. But to mock The Seer, that I cannot understand." He turns around and keeps walking forward.

'Don't listen to him,' Kuai mouthes to you. 'All dragons like him have a temper. Give him a few days and he'll warm up to you.'
Kuai isn't wrong about that. In your dream/vision, Hanzo does soon warm up to you, albeit reluctantly.

Another night of camping in the woods causes you to catch a cold from being exposed to the wind.
Hanzo takes note of this and motions you to sit next to him.
You do so. You're surprised to feel him place a wing over you, it feeling like a heated blanket from the heat coming off his scales.

He looks off into the distance, chewing on a piece of meat. You hug his arm, sniffing. His eyes widen at this, but he doesn't push you off. "Sorry about earlier," he apologizes hastily, still refusing to look at you. He's embarrassed, judging by the sudden spike in heat radiating off his scales.

You yawn and lean against him. He blushes, but neither of you can tell due to the scales covering his cheekbones. "Sleep, (Y/n). We'll see The Seer soon." As you nod off, you could have sworn you heard Hanzo purr softly. You try to remain awake....
....Then you wake up in bed. Cursing in your head, you look over at the drawing. "Just a dream..." you sigh and finish it, making sure to get the colors right.
You smell breakfast being cooked and get out of bed with the drawing. Yeah, it's all just a dream, right?

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