Chapter One: Breeze

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(Vs Sonya)
Fujin: "You must like having a daughter."
Sonya: "Still getting used to the whole idea."
Fujin: "It is a joy I'll never know...."
Your first memory of your father is him cradling you as an infant and crying. He was crying happy tears, from what you can remember. He looked overjoyed, like he had finally achieved a life-long goal and got the reward.

You have lived in the Sky Temple your whole life, with Fujin acting as your parent and teacher. Like always, his silver-white hair is styled in the usual braid. Your hair is the same color as his, but your eyes are colored a light brown.

When you found this out, and were upset that your eyes didn't match father's, you had cried.
Fujin ended up having to rock you in his lap, his glowing blue eyes always holding kindness and warmth that made you feel better. "What are you upset about, my little zephyr?" Like always, his voice is calm.

You're only five currently, so your reasoning for being upset always amuses him.
"Because we don't look the same!"
He smiles at this. "And why, may I ask, would you want to look just like me? You're your own person, (Y/n). Yes, you are my child, and always will be, but it's good that you are different. Remember that."
He kisses your forehead, making you giggle.

That ended your anger fairly quickly.
Occasionally, Raiden would drop by, telling Fujin about what is going on down on Earth.
Fujin never told you anything, and you don't know why. But you're old enough to know not to question your father.

Since you are stuck in the Sky Temple, you don't exactly have many interactions with other people besides Fujin and Raiden. So, to keep you occupied, Fujin teaches you how to read, write, and study the mortals down below.

On the rare chance that he isn't worried about protecting Earth nor speaking with Raiden, he'd go outside and fly a kite with you. It's a simple game, but you always have fun and are laughing by the end of it. Along with watching the clouds and stargazing, you can tell that Fujin loves to spend time with you whenever he can.

With you still being a young child, you have the usual child fears. The dark, storms, thunder that's close to the temple. Fujin is always there to comfort you when you get scared. Tonight, there is a large storm full of rain and thunder. All of the noise outside makes you unable to sleep.

You end up going to Fujin's room and climbing in bed next to him. "I assume the thunder storm is frightening you?" His calm voice anchors you away from your panic. "Yes, daddy...."
He says nothing, just opens his arms up. You gladly embrace the hug, his warm body shielding you from the mess outside.

Despite trying to act tough, you end up crying in fear. "Oh, my sweet zephyr...." he croons, kissing the top of your head as you weep.
"I will always be here for you. I can promise that."
He smiles down at you. "Of course. When you hear the wind howl through the trees, that is me checking on you. If you feel it brushing against your face, those are my fingers caressing your cheek. If you chase a leaf in the wind, that is me playing with you. Do you understand? Even if you don't see me, I'll be there."
The storm passed without incident, much to your relief. You wake up in Fujin's arms, with him still asleep. This is the first time, you realize, that you've seen him with his hair loose.

It flows down his back like a silver waterfall, the strands almost metallic looking in the sunlight.
Out of boredom, you end up braiding a small section of his hair. "What are you doing, little tempest?"
You jump, turning to look at your father's tired but amused smile. "Braiding your hair." You answer back honestly. You were taught never to lie.

"Your hair looks messy as well. Here, let me braid yours for you." You feel his fingers massage your scalp as he smoothes out your hair. Soon, your hair is in a braid. "Thank you, Papa."
"Of course." He kisses your cheek and gets out of bed.

Days passed and they blur together for you.
Your reading is getting better, but your handwriting could use some work. But you do notice Raiden visiting more often, and Fujin getting more worried.
Like always, he never admits anything happening down below. But one day, you decide to eavesdrop.
".....can't leave (him/her) alone...." your father sounds worried.

He's talking about you, right?
"I know you want to keep protecting (him/her), but we do not know if (s)he has your wind powers."
"So what if (s)he does or doesn't?!" You flinch at his angry tone. "(Y/n) is my child. You know I have always wanted more of a family."

"You created (him/her) by using the Hourglass, Fujin. What if (s)he finds out? What will the poor child think?"
"(S)he won't," he cries.
You can't hear anymore. Heck, you barely understood anything that was said.
Was daddy mad at you for existing?

With a startled cry, you run off down the hall.
You yell when you're suddenly lifted into the air by a gust of wind and land in Fujin's arms.
With a whimper, you try to get out of his grip.
"Now do you see what you have done?" Fujin demands in a bitter voice to his older brother.

"Leave. Go aid in the protection of Earth! I need to soothe my child!" Fujin huffs, storming off with you in his arms.
The stormy clouds outside match your father's mood.
He sets you down once he reaches your room, the small area painted light blue with the ceiling painted to look like the night sky.

You immediately scamper away from him, crying in fear. He closes the door behind him, then gets on his hands and knees. "(Y/n), baby...." You back away until your back is against the wall.
"A-are you mad at me, Papa?" You hiccup.
He looks at you sadly. "No..." he shakes his head. "I'm not mad at you, my little zephyr....I could never be mad at you. Your uncle and I just got into a disagreement, that's all."

You sniff. "Really....?"
He nods. "Yes. Come here, please." He sits on the floor, arms out. "Papa!" You rush over and hug him, crying into his blue, red, and gold clothing.
"I promise to protect you, (Y/n). And I have. I just messed up today by yelling and not realizing you were there." He kisses your cheek, then wipes your tears away.

"You must be sleepy...." he mutters, carrying you to your crib. Yes, a crib. Since you are his first child, he babies you too much. Not that you complain, since this is all you've ever known.
"Just rest. I'll be right here when you wake up."
You nod as he tucks you in, your favorite dark purple blanket keeping you warm.

"Night, Papa." You yawn. He smiles down at you sadly. "Rest well, my dearest tempest. I love you, and I always will."

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