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After everyone was brought back to their senses and settled down.

Yet still hearing traces of that soft and warm melody that the empress played, everyone started giving gifts to the Queen.

It started from the lowest noble to the highest officials then with Queen Mother's offsprings..., each one they brought were really expensive and authenticated treasures.

And both prince gave her a living flower that in my time are really expensive and hard to came by.

Prince Idle gave a Black blood rose, it have an over all black petals and has a scarlet red single stripe.

And the Emperor gave a Phantom Orchid that have a light sea foam green color and have almost smelled like a well known perfume in my time.

'No wonder that in my previous time the things found from ancient civilization worth millions of dollars' I thought as they tell the Queen how did they got hold of that specific thing give it to her.

"Hey, my Natal day is also around the corner and the Winter Cold Palace isn't considered as a gift, since I'm the one who repair and renovate the whole place" I whispered as I elbowed him

That made him frown..

It's three weeks from now till this girl's birthday.

Ummm....if in my time the empress birthday is around the end of November and mine around Christmas Day of December. I think...

Any ways I want something from this jerk in my birthday and I'm not gonna take No for an answer.

"Do you also fancy some flowers" he asked annoyed

"Yes I do, especially the fragrant ones but that's not what I had in mind"

"Then what do you want?"

"Let's discuss it tomorrow, i don't want to ruin your Mother's day, cause you might make a big fuss out of it"

Then with out knowing the gift giving already started with the concubines

As Concubine Filter and Concubine Blush on both embroidered a longevity handkerchief

Concubine Bling presented a golden necklace with a ruby as a pendant.

Concubine slut gave an expensive hair ornament that have different color of crystals on it

Well I just made up some names that will suit them as I practically don't know who they are even though we're living inside the same mansion.

And I practically don't hold any authority for them to greet me every morning, like what they're supposed to do as concubines..

And not but not the least Concubine Qui Li Ching gave an elegant embroidered dress. Yeah, my dearest step sister really went all out today as the dress have real diamonds to create the sparkle when light hit it.

But I doubt that Queen Mother would ever use that dress.. since she's more simple than what others think of her.

Well anyways, that is what I've observed when I saw her wardrobe.

"Have you prepared a gift for Queen Mother?" He whispered with a little concern on his face.

Cause if the empress didn't have anything extravagant to top the present the concubine gave then, he'll be a laughing stock and will be viewed as weak.

As he can't even discipline is consort to be filial towards his Mother the previous Empress.

"You don't have to worry, though it's not that extravagant compared to my sister's gift, But I have my ways to word it out pleasantly to be high valued." I whispered standing up as Eunuch Mo gave me a sign that it's my turn to give my present.

"Queen Mother, Empress Consort Kim-er present her gift to you..." I said bowing as on cue A-Jin and six palace guards, Each holding a clothed wood appeared behind me.

"Kim-er what would this be?" She asked as everyone's attention was on the piece in the palace guards hands

"Mother.., Kim-er pondered for quite sometime for what I should present to you as a gift in this special occasion. Specially this is the first time Kim-er attended Queen Mother's Natal day so it have to be special.." she said still head lowered

" though this may not be expensive compare to my concubine sister's nor the other officials gifts, or the one that his highness the Prince and his majesty's unique gift" she said as she meet the queens eyes with a teary eyed one.

That moved the Queen Mother thinking that the beauty tricks that her daughter in law recommended work wonders to her face and it is enough for her to be satisfied in her.

"Dear child, I know you've troubled yourself to find a gift with just a short notice.. so I won't blame you for it.." she said that made Kim Li smirk

" Thank you Queen Mother..." she said straightening her posture " this six wood planks are wall decoration, it may not be much but the story behind each one can inspire millions of people out there." She said signaling A-Jin to take off the cloth of the four man sized wooden planks.,

Some looked disappointed and dissatisfied as they saw the simple painting on it

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Some looked disappointed and dissatisfied as they saw the simple painting on it.

If the four planks were far apart from each other as they can't see the hidden meaning behind the painting this early.

"As I've said earlier there's a story behind each and single one of these paintings... the first one in the color of green with two kids stetting side by side as if admiring the open grass field., those happy and careless times that most of us desired.," I said as I looked at Queen Mother.,

She looked shocked as she remembered something way from her past.

"The second one in yellow the two kids grew up and become closer to each other than before as the warmth hue that radiates from the rising sun they make their vow and soon enough a child was born as you can see in the third painting.. with a new reason to live and be happy they over come many obstacles and solved thousands of problems till they grow old together , and even the cold season can't break the warmth they felt for each other.... " I stated as I smiled at Queen Mother

I feel like I'm reporting my art project for an interview in a gala..,

"Your highness, I didn't get what's so special about this paintings? And how could you think that this is good enough to gift Queen Mother in her special day" concubine Bling stated arrogantly

" Your right concubine sister these piece of art doesn't worth much as I only pay for the wooden planks that only cost 20 copper coins for these six pieces of wood., but you can't see the value of these paintings individually but if those four be brought closer together, you can all see a single thee that resembles the one that's near the imperial palace which stood tall Through out the seasons and witness the story of the one inside the palace." She said that she gave them the cue to bring the four planks closer.

Applause and gasps were heard as she let her audience digest what she just said.

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