In the Zone

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As soon as Kim Li and Li Cheng found Ven., she carried her towards their small living space and place her slowly

as she feel her pulse.,

"Seems to me that someone wanted to deliberately wish to die.."- Kim Li said with a murderous glint in her eyes

And with all the ruckus they made the rest of the kids woke up and became worried for their big sister.

The little ones started to cry out of concern at the sorry state Ven ended up with.,

"Miyu...Ayu please don't cry, big sister Kim will help fix big sister Ven okay... now I want you to not to worry for now and get back to sleep" - Kim Li, showing them her smile as not to scare the little kids

"Zenyu, help Miyu and Ayu calm down while Fenyu help big sister Ven wash the dirt off her wounds.. and Gin this big sister want to talk to you do follow me outside, Li Cheng, you keep watch here" - she instructed as she got a goal in mind.

Once they were far from the kids earshot, she faced Gin with the intent to torture information if needed.

"Now explain to me how something like that happened., and who's responsible for it.."-Kim Li

She asked sternly ., as Gin was taken a back at her suddenly attitude., as if she's a devil in an angel's disguise

"It's cause of the Barron Xin's daughter., every time she's upset she started throwing tantrums and hitting us slaves with no apparent reason."- Gin

"So your saying that girl has a bad temper but her family just let her be with that kind of manner?"- Kim Li

"Yes, cause she and the empress were close as sisters, that made the family pardon her behavior"- Gin

"What do you mean the empress and that daughter of a Barron are close as sisters?"- Kim Li

She said as she thought 'in who 's in heavens hell is using her name., to for power stability!'

As she doesn't remember that the original owner of this body have any friends to begin with., since she was caged by her step mother after her brother was appointed to the military.

"It's true, her highness once visited here., and treated Miss Xin Ye really well, that made the Family Xin take over the trading market.  And it's the only trading market in the capital of Nebula"- Gin

"Is that so.., tomorrow bring me to the capital let me see first hand who this Xin Ye is and this trading company monopolizing the market."- Kim Li

She said gazing sharply at the thought of all the paperwork this this mess she's gonna make., and was a little bit grateful that it was Jun Meng whose doing all the work for now.

"How was your talk?.."- Li Cheng asked

He went out after the kids calmed down and slept next to their big sister. And Gin went back inside to check on Ven..,

They are all not blood related but they treated each other as an important member of a family. But there's a more serious problem a head..,

If this isn't sorted out those small businesses will be cheated with their products.

"Just gonna confirm something from you., the capital of Nebula, is still under the empire of our jurisdiction right?"- Kim Li

"Yes.."-Li Cheng

"Have you ever visited this place with one of the woman in your harem?"- Kim Li asked annoyed

"Not that I remembered.why are you asking this questions?"- Li Cheng answered truthfully as he asked carefully not to elevate his empress burning gaze

"Well someone is posing that the empress and the Barron's daughter is as good as sisters that made them monopolize the trading industry., that leave me to a conclusion that there's something shady behind the scenes.., so I'll be checking it out tomorrow"-Kim Li

Eyes are glinting that made Li Cheng step back as he know that she's in her zone right now as she have the same look when she cleaned the court room before their trip.,

The next day, early in the morning they traveled to the capital of Nebula with Gin and Li Cheng whose worried for what may happen as Kim Li is as relaxed as cat.

She didn't say anything though but knowing how she operates, Li Cheng prayed that none of the woman in the harem is behind the impersonating to be the empress and helped someone for power stability in the outskirts of this land.

Cause knowing Kim Li she'll flip the whole harem to heaven and back just to get even.

While Li Cheng is busy with his worried throughs., they arrived at Nebula Capital and was greeted by the bustling early folks whose either enjoying the ray of the sun, taking a walk, buying something for breakfast, and more

The Nebula capital was also a sight to see but that didn't caught Kim Li's attention, not one bit...

She remained expressionless as she gazed at the tallest building structure of the town and from where they are she can clearly see the sign in a big bold letters... and that is where they are heading.

"Couch man, head to the training palace"- Kim Li

She ordered as she plan her next move

"Let's see how will this end up"- Kim Li

She said smirking as they near the building. While the other two with her just kept quiet, not wanting to be the receiving end of her rage.

As soon as they arrive she stepped down the carriage and pay the couch man his keep, and she confidently walked inside.,  that made everyone working in the establishment looked towards her direction and was star struck as she walked like a boss.,

Her aura as a role model mother of the country shown even though she's wearing Ven's clothes.,

"I request to talk to the manager of this place.. IMMEDIATELY!"- Kim Li's voice roared through the halls that snap the workers to their senses.

Some didn't move out of astonishment , some feared her aura, some sneered at her, and some started gossiping.

While Li Cheng and Gin was stunned at her new found personality..

"She's still big sister Kim right?"- Gin asked as he kept looking back and forth at Kim Li and Li Cheng for confirmation.

But Li Cheng just nod as to answer him, still can't believe that. That is his empress!

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