Full Trust on Her

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Kim Li woke up at the same nightmare she kept dreaming since of  her first time at death's door. Having her first betrayal that and made her the bait to be a hostage without anyone from her troupe to back her up .,

She kept panting as she tried to steady her breathing, calming her racing heart as she clearly revive her memories at how she heartlessly killed the one she admired.,

Her heart ache as her head is currently in turmoiled., She's now starting to hyperventilate as she suddenly see that her hands were bloody, fists have burst in wounds and probably some broken bones as she kept punching the dead man's face under her.,

Her hands starts shaking uncontrollably and with her surprise someone had grabbed her shaking hands and lean her close to them embracing her shivering figure.

"It's alright, your safe.. you can relax the war is over now " Li Cheng said as he tightly hugged her shivering figure thinking that it's post trauma from the battle field that she was forced to kill and see her hand full of blood.,

He kept repeating the same sentence over and over again till she calmed down and relax her shoulders,

Its first time saw her weak side not counting the times when her period mood swings are in full display.,

But to see her like this broke his heart, much more than what the concubine did to him.,

He took a mental note to support her every whim from this day onward as he know that she's reasonable and responsible enough to make drastic actions.,

And He fully trust his Empire on to her hands.,

After a couple of minutes the day break in and everyone doesn't dare to disturb their resting superiors.

Though Li Cheng still held Kim Li in a tight embrace, that we're fully appreciated since She is now well conscious of what just happened and sobered up from her nightmare.,
Though she still don't want that warmth to be taken away from her.

For a couple more minutes they stayed in that position not moving nor talking and just kept still feeling each other silent breaths and warmth.,

"Brother! Sister-in-law! Queen Mother needs your presence in her court....yard." Jun Meng burst out of the door and surprise the two making them let go of each other "Sorry to disturb your moment, I'll just go back for now" Jun Meng hurriedly said as he left their chamber almost stumbling with excitement, thinking that he's gonna have a Nephew sooner or later.,

While the two that's still on the bed is now somewhat in an awkward position cause of what the prince said.,

"Let's better prepare ourselves, I still got a busy schedule up ahead" Kim Li stated getting up and asking for someone to prepare her bath.,

As soon as she went out of the room the wolves lined up to her for their morning pats., and that so she did, she played with them for a while before getting into the water.,

After the  bath both of them went to Queen Mother's courtyard, there they saw everyone from the harem giving their morning salute to the previous Empress.

but once the girls saw the two of them their glares of envy immediately went toward the current empress.

"A Pleasant morning to Queen Mother may you  live a long and happy life." Kim Li started while Li Cheng just slightly bowed his head.

"Rise my dear daughter, you must be tired since Jun Meng just have told us the good news " Queen Mother smiled happily while Kim Li grew confused by the second since her smile seems to see through her soul

"I wonder what is this good news that Queen Mother have mentioned.." she asked glaring daggers at Jun Meng since she's a afraid that Li Cheng for dear warmth that can easily misunderstood at this era.

"Sister we were informed by the prince that you and his majesty have consummated already" my dear step sister stated that made my eyes widen as an owl while Li Chen who sat beside me stopped himself from  spitting his tea and disgracing himself as he coughed it off.

"I'll giveyou permission to deal with Jun Meng privately.." He told me whispering as he acted  as if wiping his  lips with a cloth and that made my lips curved up as I smiled sweetly ay Jun Meng's way

"I'll be sure to have all  the fun your majesty" she sated smirking

as she look towards to those who kept giving her death glare at how she's been close to the man they've all want to sleep with.

"Queen Mother why have you called all of us here?" Li cheng asked trying to change the subject as his still worried for his empress.

"Cheng-er, the previous months there have been delegation coming in from different  kingdoms seeking for alliance through marriage." She stated that all the girls in the harem got shocked, Li Cheng frown her brows, Jun Meng looked guilty while Kim Li just observed as she calculates where the conversation will end up with the final decision.

"Queen Mother my Empress might be expecting a prince why would we still add another concubine in the harem?" Li Cheng lied using Jun Meng's idea as an excuse, but doing so he received an extremely fine pinch from Kim Li after.

"That's what I'm also worried  about since might miscarry due to stress from a new member in the family." the Queen retorted

"Queen Mother, Your Majesty I got a perfect idea" Kim Li smiled so sweetly making the harem and Jun Meng chills

"I'm also interested at what you've came up with my dear empress" Li Cheng stated having the same smirk as the Empress as they both looked at their new found escape goat.

"Well since Queen Mother is worried that  I'd might be too stressed out ... and with the new face in the harem yet with this alliance we can strengthen our strong hold even more and can cover more grounds with our economic  resources, I'll say lets Match make our dear little prince here with those beauties.." KimLi stated that made Jun Meng pale as a ghost

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