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"Dear Empress, what would your orders be, I wonder how much weight your words carry.,"- Kim Li

Taunt as she spread her sinister intent that made almost everyone soft knee,

While Jen Sho decided to continue the act even though she knew she's courting death..

"I Order someone to beat this woman with a rod, till she drop dead!"-Jen Sho ordered while the guards abide

"I wonder what punishment would be fall to this empress.,if his majesty the emperor knew about this empress trip to this brazen land?"- Kim Li said before she slip away from the guards who's about to touch her

"Hey, you tell me what's the punishment of impersonating a Royal?"-Kim Li asked as she point at Xin Ye

"Everyone knows that only death awaits them. If they dared to.," she smugly said longing to Jen Sho while the other stiffen as a solid rock

Just realizing her crimes just now

"Now that you know about punishment , are you still going forth with this charade? Or You'll give me a change to speak up the rest of your crimes that is punishable by the death of your whole family."- Kim Li as she put pressure at her every word

While Jen Sho is having second thoughts right at this moment.


"Father is right! Brother Emperor obviously gave permission for sister empress to aid us.!"-Xin Ye

"Oh? I don't know about favoritism, but he'd be a fool to still fall over heels for that girl after this troublesome mess.."-Kim Li directing her words to Li Cheng as she glanced at his way, who just watched as things happened

Kim Li knew that he's lost right now but she didn't care if she rub salt at the wound., like hell she'll have to deal with his harem even in her supposed to be vacation!

Jen Sho saw her quick Gaze and put two on two..., that the emperor is the man she asked for a night.,

And with that her knees can't support her any longer and gave in, as she started crying as fear crept in he insides.,

Afraid that she'll lose her life.

"Oh? I guess your smart enough to put the prices together... how boring"- Kim Li rolled her eyes

As she walked elegantly towards her and used her feet to guide her gaze directly straight to her eyes.,

"Since you know your crimes, I'd give you two options, one exposed yourself in front of everyone two I'll take your head right here, right now with my own hands., or would you rather let your family join you?"-Kim Li said as she slice her thumb across her neck.,

That terrified Jen Sho, while the onlookers are in confusion as of why the said Empress kneeling to a mare merchant commoner.,

The Xin's are also baffled and raged at how this girl is treating their empress

While Gin and Ven kept thinking as to where their big sister Kim got the courage to do that to a royalty .,

"How daring of you to threaten her highness as such!"- Xin Ye yelled as she pushed Kim Li away from Jen Sho and help the later to her feet.

"Uggh this is annoyingly dragging too long, if you Xin's want to go against me then be my guest., but don't blame me for your bad choices.."- Kim Li as she's starting to get annoyed since the Xin's and can't take the hint.,

That the Empress they believed in was a freaking fake.,

"Hey! Li Cheng, I need your permission since I can't have them hurting the kids!"-Kim Li Glared at him

And he knew that she's really annoyed right now, plus her lack of sleep and her worries pertaining the border's situation.

"You have my permission, do as you see fit."- Li Cheng said

he said as just calmly watch the show, as he hardened his heart for his childhood lover's fate.,

As an emperor he need to be decisive in critical moments., and he's been covering up their tracks to pacify his previous lover, that at the moment he found himself pathetic.., and remembered all the advices Kim Li have said to him.

And that made Jen Sho almost faint as she grab hold at Xin Ye tighter.,

"Uncle Xin, I am not feeling well., can we drop this at the moment.."- Jen Sho

As she's trying to save the Xin's family ,she's also preparing for the worst out come.,

But it's all over now since the emperor have given her permission to do as SHE see fit.

And with pure coincidence Gou Shi and Rin Li arrived with half of his men., in search of the emperor and empress.. as Rin Li recognize the dagger that one of the knights used in battle.,

He ask for information and hurried to the location the soldier mentioned to find their royals..

They didn't have to search high and low to find them as they were greeted by a huge crowed kneeling at the central plaza entrance.

And as they ask the locals of what's happening they told them about the empress personally confiscating a business permit from some merchants.,

And with that statement they hurried to where the said empress is.

Once they reach the place, they heard and saw everything since Kim Li entered the scene.,

Gou Shi is about to come fort and help the emperor but Rin Li stopped him and said that his sister needed to let some steam out or they'll be the one suffering the empress hot tempered self, due solely to her annoyance.

And what she did, didn't even surprise them anymore since they both thought that Kim Li is more than meets the eye.,

She's kindhearted, creative and talented Empress the empire could have but she's also mischievous, bloodthirsty psychopath if someone crossed the line and her patience runs thin.

Gou Shi felt sorry for the concubine to face her wrath, since the person she messed with was an angel in disguise. But none the less it's her fault to impersonate the mother of the empire.,

As he thought along the lines of 'desperate, stupid concubine who's digging her own grave six feet down or deeper.,' So he didn't much care for the woman's safety.,

"Let's better help them out, and capture everyone who's involved.."-Rin Li suggested and the soldiers surrounded them.

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