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The guards also made a human barrier in front of their empress, but the hungry felines just roared and leap as their wolf prey just got upgraded to human meat.,

Nervous the May be from standing in front of the hungry felines but they'd still chose facing the lions than facing their empress later on.

"Your highness it's far too dangerous please stay inside of your room till we subdued this creatures" one palace guard stated

But Kim li just stayed still, trying to reason with herself to not have any tantrums and just deal with it.

"Stand down" Kim li neutrality stated as every guard present looked at her way as if confirming that they've heard wrong.

"But your highness!l

"Whimper" the wolves are more terrified than before as they can sense the atmosphere around their mom, is as deadly as the calm sea

"I'll deal with this, and bring the person responsible for this mess to the court room along all the officials..." Kim Li stated as she stepped forward needle in hand

As she quickly and skillfully punctured the lions with at least five needles each, making their muscles gave out from their body weight as it relaxes

"Go get me five huge cages and put some meat inside if you all don't want to be the lions meal!" She ordered

" ye..yes.. your highness"

" what's all the noise out here!" They all heard the emperor's voice coming from his room

"Li cheng don't add up with my already throbbing head and get your ass over here. And order someone to detain every one who's involved in making this place a zoo.!" And with that she snaps at him, with him thats as clueless of the reason why her anger is towards him

"What did I do now?"

"That's the point! You keep doing nothing!"

The servants and guards felt the tension between the two royals that they decide to either make an exit or stay for them to do their job

But most of them make the exit as they are now will be staining the culprit and do as their empress ordered about capturing the lions

"And it's alright for you to blame me for anything?!"

"Yes! Cause if in the first place you'd refused to get married to me I'd be living my life with out the annoying paper work that your concubine kept creating!"

"And how did we end up with this conversation? The point is that I didn't do anything for you to be mad at me right now"

" I have every right to be mad right now Li cheng!"

"even if I didn't do anything?! Are you starting to lose your mind?" Li cheng lashed out but then he remembered that the empress who's the one that overlooked the princess trials, projects and building, and half of his paper work specially in terms of treading with foreign countries

"You didn't get enough sleep did you?

" No! I haven't had a wink, so dear me god someone's going to hell for this mess!"

"Okay I'll give you the permission to punish however you like everyone who's involve with this mess. Jun Meng will assist you while I'll talk with the officials and your off with your court work for a week" he said then left the room to meet the officers to warn them about his empress temper, if ever one of their kin is behind the mess just now

While on the other hand Kim Li observed the animals being lured inside the cage and figured out that she still need to talk to one of the foreign traders...

So she head towards the garden and ask A-Jun to set up some tea and sweets

As soon as she got to the garden she saw Ven pacing back and forth looking panicked for some reason

"Ven is something wrong? Are you alright?" Jun Meng asked

She's now the crown princess that's gonna marry the prince by the end of the year

And the two of them made up with a lot of annoyance from the prince before she gave in and forgave him from keeping his status a secret

"Well.... I'm nervous to meet someone that's all" Ven worriedly stated as she kept glancing at the shadow who's already waiting for the empress arrival

"Are you seeing another man!?" He unconsciously Burst out, that Kim li instantly smack him behind his head.

"Idiot, you gotta pay him some respect  since ven became the crown princess without letting her family know. And top of that you didn't do the proposal properly , there's no emperor edict... more or less you just made the whole princess trial an entertainment" Kim Li said monotone

As she also recognizes the masculine backs of the foreign traders., In the span of months they've improved drastically maybe because the business is at its pick.,

"It's nice to see you again Lou Min, Qin Won, Yun You, and Gin Li... I guess I didn't have to worry anything concerning the business in nebula" Kim Li stated as she went near them, that startled them that the empress whose going to meet them knew their names and called them casually like friends, well except Gin since he already knew that his big sister that help them a lot was the current empress, and the one that the Xin's backer is the impostor.,

Kim Li also share her second name to be their last names along with the kids, indicating that they are considered to be part of her family.

"Greetings to the moon of the empire" Gin curtsy

"We greet her majesty the empress" the other three followed

They only greeted her as the prince decided to stay behind to ease his princess worries

"You can all rise, though I want to go straight to our discussion cause I wanted to have some sleep after" she said and they've agreed

Although the three is nervous when Kim Li sat next to Gin and in front of them, they seem to be having indigestion just being in front of the Royalty.

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