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After a couple more discussion, Li Cheng and Kim Li were now off to travel back to the empire.

Everything is set between the two kingdoms, and at the end of the long discussion the grandfather- granddaughter duo spent their time throughly.

Kim Li secured that this particular kingdom won't betray them as she voluntarily clean its court that her grandfather allowed, pointing out the importance of each of her actions to Red before leaving.

"Dear child be careful on your journey back, we'll visit if there's a chance.," Lord Tom said as he gave his last hug to his granddaughter

"You don't have to worry grandpa I'll ask someone to train eagles so we can communicate often" Kim Li said as she looked at Li Cheng for confirmation that he just nod in agreement..

"I'll assure you that we'll do our best to be in touch , as the empress relatives , hope we could have a long partnership in the future"-Li Cheng

"Of course, as long as she's in good spirit we don't have any reason to void our alliance"- Red stated pointing at Kim Li who's preparing Mike for the journey.

A few more minutes of idle chat the two head off back to their domain

They traveled for three days at top speed only resting when necessary.

And before they reach the palace Li Cheng noticed that Kim Li is a bit gloomy and uncharacteristically under the weather.,

"Something wrong?, you seem unwell my empress"

"It's nothing"

"It doesn't look like nothing" Li Cheng to grab her chin so she could look at his eyes
" Tell me" he sincerely asked

"Well., it's just sadden me that none of the kids didn't come with us, though I know that their better of doing the business than staying and dealing with your harem, I just wished one of them to come that I could take care of" Kim Li lost the will to be stubborn and told him her worries as she saw the sincerity in his eyes.,

" if you want a kid to take care of we could just make one, technically your still my empress and the kingdoms needs a heir" Li Cheng responded mischievously, that made Kim Li smack him hard

"Your sometimes annoying LI CHENG!!" Kim Li continuously hit him as she blushed red

"Hey ! Hahahaha! Stop it, that hurts."

"Yeah! And you Do serve to be hurt!" Kim Li hit him hard one last time before facing the window

"Hey! Though it's adorable to see your ears red" he teased that got him another hard smack that he laughed off

But with his laughter echoed inside their carriage, Kim Li was ticked and started hitting him more that made the said vehicle rattle, making the outside guards misunderstood their actions.

As the carriage stops, court officials, guards, maids, concubines and even Jun Meng and the Empress dowager were staring at the sight of the rattling carriage.

"Well Queen mother,might as well expect for a little prince coming" Jun Meng snickered while the previous Queen along with the guards and maids looked delighted while the concubines eyed the carriage in disdainful way..

A-Jin also felt proud at the progress her mistress have made but she's also aware of the troubles that the concubines can make if she let them envy Her Highness even more.

And with that she knocked on the carriage and announced that they have arrived.

And as Kim Li heard that she immediately stop hitting Li Cheng and picked outside to see everyone staring at their direction. That made her blushed more remembering how Li Cheng kept teasing her about the heir.

She grabbed Li Cheng and pushed him first so he could deal with all the attention they've accumulated.

" Do me a favor and give me a second to calm down" Kim Li whispered That Li Cheng just smirked it off

As he's still in the mood to be playful
He extended his hand to assist her.

"My Empress, be careful of your steps I wouldn't want you to fall down with your weak knees" Li Cheng stated lovingly that made the bystanders to misunderstand and Kim Li to grip his hand tight by the said action.

Li Cheng flinch as the grip were a little tight but nonetheless kept his playful smirk and smiled sweetly at his empress.

"You'll pay for this in double" Kim Li whispered as she glared at the concubines as their the reason that her vaccination were cut short as she planned to go back in the middle of spring season.

"Queen mother, it's good to have see you again, this Empress misses you" Kim Li smiled at Queen mother in a tired way.

Hoping that she could have been excused at the welcome party of sort for their return. And she archived what she hoped for.

"Cheng-er be a dear and assist our dear Empress to her courtyard "Queen Mother gently said as she looked at the tired Empress as if she had a rough night with the emperor on the carriage.

Then all of a sudden Feng Yun was heard from a distance chasing something and begging it to stop or slow down.

But soon after they heard Feng Yun, Kim Li find herself falling along with Li Cheng as it put all their weight on them.

"Hahaha... okay! Okay! furballs I miss you too." Kim Li giggled uncontrollably as she saw how Yaz sat on his chest as the wolf wag her tail, Making Li Cheng look at the sides so he won't get any fur in his nose.

"Luna and Yaz, Up Up... let her Highness and his majesty rest first let's all play together later." A-Jin coax the two as Mike sit calmly beside her.

Feng Yun helped Li Cheng stand up while Kim Li gave each of the girls forehead kisses.

'Never in my life I've felt that I belong in my past life but This time I found my home now, and I'm happy to have all the people and pets besides me.' Kim Li thought as They were heading inside for a meal together before resting.

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